Renowned Developers to Speak at the Open Source Data Center Conference (OSDC)

Nuremberg, 17 December 2013

Since the Call for Papers was opened in October, the first few speakers for the OSDC have been confirmed. This includes Logstash creator, Jordan Sissel who will present on the log management software.

Lennart Koopman, founder of the Graylog2 project will also give a talk on the various methods of log analysis using the popular tool.

More speakers will be announced on the event website as the program is finalised.

Opportunities to speak at this international conference are still available to interested speakers until 31 December. Presentation ideas may be submitted through the online Call for Papers. Early bird specials are also available until 31 December.

A range of conference packages are available – with and without accommodation, and the option of an additional workshop on the conference eve. Here, attendees can choose between intensive workshops on Logstash, Graphite or Puppet. In addition, NETWAYS is offering tickets to the Puppet Camp that will immediately follow the OSDC.

More information on the event, Call for Papers and conference packages can be found onteh event website.

Event Information
Open Source Data Center Conference 2014
Date: 8 -10 April 2014

Hotel MOA Berlin
Stephanstaße 41
10559 Berlin

Early Bird Packages
Package A: Conference attendance with 2 nights accommodation: 895 (Net)
Package A + Puppet Camp: Conference and Camp attendance with 3 nights accommodation: 1110 (Net)
Package B: Conference attendance only: 750 (Net)
Package B + Puppet Camp: Conference and Camp attendance without accommodation: 849 (Net)

Supplementary intensive workshop: Workshop attendance without accommodation 550 (Net)

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