Electronic Health Card: gematik Awards Contract to arvato Systems

(arvato Systems) Gütersloh, Germany – In the tender process for the Trial Online Rollout (Level 1, Lot 3) of the eHealth Card, arvato Systems convinced with a high-quality, high-security solution, and as a result, was awarded a contract by gematik to implement the central infrastructure.

This project, which is to trial and introduce telematics for the Electronic Health Card, is setting a new trend in Germany. The objective of the project is to establish a secure, future-proof, and cross-sector infrastructure for the country‘s healthcare system. It also entails integrating the specialist services supplied by public health insurers and other providers, as well as the existing network of public healthcare provider associations (KVSafeNet), into the telematics infrastructure.

As a result of its long-term experience and expertise, arvato Systems was selected to implement and operate the central infrastructure. The telematics infrastructure includes a large number of highly integrated components: complex public key infrastructures for digital encryption and electronic signatures, wide area networks designed for secure long-distance data transmission, data center services and software distribution, and software development. All components and services are quality-assured and operated at the arvato Systems data centers.

“Faced with a project as complex as this one, we were lucky to secure a partner as capable and reliable as arvato Systems,” says Prof. Dr. Arno Elmer, Managing Director of gematik GmbH.

“We are honored by the trust that gematik is placing in our expertise, and are looking forward to a successful trial of the telematics infrastructure for the healthcare system,” says Jan Wemmel, Director of Health & Public Sector at arvato Systems.

Background Information on the Tendering Process for Lot 3: Introduction of the eHealth Card/Trial Online Rollout (Level 1)

The introduction of Germany-s eHealth Card includes the creation of an interoperable and compatible information, communications, and security infrastructure, i.e., healthcare telematics, within the nationwide health system. Responsibility for the implementation and operation of such a telematics infrastructure, as well as operation of the trial infrastructure and trial measures, lies with gematik (Gesellschaft für Telematikanwendungen der Gesundheitskarte mbH/Society for Telematics Applications of the eHealth Card Ltd.).

The object of tender comprised the development, implementation, and operation of a telematics infrastructure, with end-to-end responsibility for integrating the participants in two trial regions with a defined (and optionally expandable) range of functions. The purpose of this infrastructure is to enable cross-organizational data exchange within Germany-s healthcare system.

The main priorities of this are cross-functional data exchange for the management of insured persons- master data (Versichertenstammdatenmanagement/VSDM), a base service for the use of qualified electronic signatures (QES), and integration of the existing network.

For more information on the introduction of the Electronic Health Card, click here: www.gematik.de (German only).

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