TheySay Co-Founder Delivering Keynote Talk at Text Analytics Summit West

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — (Marketwired) — 11/26/13 — TheySay Ltd, a text and sentiment analytics company, announced that their co-founder, Professor Stephen Pulman, will be giving a keynote address at the Text Analytics Summit West, December 3-4 San Francisco, CA. .

The address is titled -Compositional Sentiment Analysis-.

“Almost all commercial — and many academic — sentiment analysis systems use some kind of supervised machine learning to classify text as positive, negative or neutral,” said Pullman. “A common complaint among users is that such systems are insufficiently fine-grained, not being able to distinguish, for example, that A has a positive attitude to B but a negative attitude to C, in the same sentence. They are also often found to be inaccurate when faced with sophisticated language uses.”

Pullman added that research conducted at Oxford by him and his research team over the last five years has been trying to develop “compositional” approaches to sentiment analysis, e.g., approaches that are sensitive to the grammatical structure of sentences. This research has been commercialized under TheySay Limited, a spin out from Oxford University, and has been successfully deployed in a range of organizations across different markets.

“We-re delighted that Stephen is presenting a keynote at Text Analytics Summit West,” said TheySay CEO David Morgan. “This is a high profile forum where thought leaders exchange views and ideas on ground breaking approaches to spotting signals in amongst the huge and ever increasing volumes of noisy human data. This is testimony to the research based culture and credentials of TheySay.”

London-based , established in 2011 and co-founded by Stephen Pulman and Karo Moilanen, develops leading edge text and sentiment analytics software and solutions based on advanced computational linguistics and machine learning techniques. Global customers encompass a wide array of vertical markets, some of which include financial services, healthcare and media. TheySay also works with leading systems integrators. The company has customers in healthcare, financial services, and media worldwide, and works with leading systems integrators.

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