Memory Guru Lands Guinness World Record

Singapore citizen Sancy Suraj broke the Guinness World Record by memorizing 160 colors shown in a random sequence

Sancy is now in the Guinness World Record books for “longest color sequence memorized” having successfully recalled the sequence of 160 primary colors without error.

The first record was set in 2001 in Munich, Germany by Florian Dollner, who memorized 40 colors without error.

This amazing event, held at ITE College East Campus, Singapore. It was also recorded in front of a live audience and two official witnesses. The 2 official witnesses were Ong Eng Huat, President of the Singapore Book of Records and Raymond Ong Beng Chee, Section Head/Physical Education, Institute of Technical Education. The random colour sequence of black, red, white and yellow were generated using a computer software.

“It’s a fantastic feeling to have a Guinness World Record. I trained hard for this record. I saw that the previous record holder only managed 100 colours and I knew I could beat that! I’m younger, faster and I’ve mastered way more effective memorization techniques. Nonetheless, it feels really good to be the best in the whole world at something, even though it’s just for colour memorisation.” Sancy Suraj.

Sancy Suraj also represented his country, Singapore, back in 2011 to take part in the World Memory Championship. Sancy Suraj is also the founder of the prestigious memory training company, Pinnacle Minds.

His record has been approved by Guinness World Records:

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