IPSO Alliance Expands Mission to Support Innovators

LAS VEGAS, NV — (Marketwired) — 11/20/13 — IPSO Alliance announces its new Innovator Member discount targeted at small companies and start-ups. The Alliance hosted an Innovator Roundtable during its bi-annual Members Meeting this week. The Roundtable featured small companies discussing their challenges in the marketplace and ways the IPSO Alliance can assist them. Company representatives from ARM, Atmel, Bosch, Cisco, iTron, Eaton, Elster Solutions, Ericsson, Freescale, Proto6, Silicon Labs, Silver Spring Networks, STMicroelectronics, TI, Toshiba and others were present to answer questions and provide advice.

Now celebrating its 5 year anniversary, IPSO Alliance has been the leading proponent of the Internet of Things since its foundation. “As we promote our mission — Building a Smarter World through the Internet of Things — we-re looking at how we can bring practical benefits to companies and communities alike,” said IPSO-s Chairman, Nick Ashworth.

Tom Herbst, IPSO Treasurer, added, “IPSO Alliance is expanding its mission to include start-ups and small companies because we believe in investing in innovation. Our new Innovator Membership level is designed to make it attractive for startups to benefit from IPSO as a resource.” IPSO Board Member Tony Pfefferseder added, “it is the innovators and their new ideas that enable a world filled with smart devices that connect people, environments and businesses securely and efficiently — this is IPSO-s vision of an Internet of Things.”

Don Sturek, Grid2Home CTO, and a potential innovator member observed, “For a startup like , IPSO-s guidance is critical to validate our approach and prepare the market for the kind of innovations our company works on.” Alex Sy and Richard Nidever of added, “We look forward to bringing our smart building experience to help co-develop interoperable solutions that will accelerate the growth of the Internet of Things. IPSO gives us invaluable exposure to various companies in this space. Some we-ll learn from, others we may compete with, but all will benefit from idea sharing and collaboration.”

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About the IPSO Alliance
The IPSO Alliance is a global collaborative forum, including many Fortune 500 high tech companies, each a leading player in their industry segment. IPSO Alliance serves as a resource center and thought leader for the various communities seeking to establish the Internet Protocol as the network for the connection of Smart Objects. The IPSO Alliance provides a foundation for industry growth through building stronger relationships, fostering awareness, providing education, promoting the industry, generating research, and creating a better understanding of IP and its role in the Internet of Things.

Cat Nawawi
IPSO Marketing Director

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