Discover well-proved standards anew: imbus training programme 2014 relies on norm knowhow and path breaking QS trends

What benefits can be derived from the new norm series ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119? The course “Testen à la carte” provides an instruction for the first internationally valid ISO standard about software testing. imbus testing expert Matthias Daigl imparts first-hand knowledge: He belongs to the two German delegates who take an active part in the development of the standard 29119. imbus Academy presents “Testen à la carte” exclusively as a cooperation with the DIN Academy in the Beuth Verlag.
Fundamental software testing knowledge as preparation for the globally recognised ISTQB® Certified Tester is provided in the Foundation Level and Advanced Level trainings. imbus is the first German course provider that already offers all three Advanced Level modules Test Analyst, Technical Test Analyst and Testmanager in accordance to the new syllabi – quality assured by the German Testing Board.
The new course “Software-Testen kompakt für Fachtester” is perfect for everybody who doesn’t target gaining a certificate. In the training, participants learn everything crucial to software testing in only two days.
New just as well: “Testautomatisierung mit Selenium”. The course gives an introduction to the path breaking open source tool.
Nearly 10.000 participants have successfully attended trainings of the imbus Academy so far. For that reason imbus is counted among the strongest and most experienced training providers when it comes to software QA and testing. Courses take place at locations throughout Germany and Europe and – if requested – as in-house trainings, too. imbus Academy also gladly develops postgraduate training packages which are individually tailored for every client or his company or project.

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