PeriGen Supports March of Dimes Call “To Spread The Word” About World Prematurity Day on Nov. 17

PRINCETON, NJ — (Marketwired) — 11/15/13 —

on , is when the and their partner organizations worldwide are asking everyone to help spread the word about the serious global problem of premature births (before 37 weeks of gestation). The day is observed in 50-plus countries.

In 2003, the March of Dimes launched the to address the crisis and to help families set the goal of delivering full-term, healthy babies through innovative research, legislation and patent education. In 2008, the campaign became a global initiative.

Many people in the U.S. wrongly assume that prematurity is only a problem in developing countries. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth as one in nine babies born in the United States is premature. In fact, the March of Dimes releases an annual Premature Birth Report Card with each state being assigned a letter grade determined by comparing the preterm birth rate to the national preterm birth goal of 9.6% While six states earned an “A” on the report card, the nation itself earned a “C” despite the fact that the U.S. preterm birth rate for the sixth consecutive year in 2012 to 11.5 percent, a 15-year low. Much more work needs to be done for all states to earn an “A”.

Premature birth:

Is a complex problem with many overlapping contributing risk factors and causes

Is the most common cause of newborn death

Causes severe health problems and lifelong disabilities

Constitutes a public health concern as the economic burden costs society $26 billion+ annually

Takes a high toll on families

, MSN, PNNP, chief nursing officer (CNO), has served on key committees for the March of Dimes, volunteering her time with the Alaska and Texas chapters. She currently serves on the March of Dimes Washington chapter-s South Puget Sound board of directors. Cypher will present “Uterine Tachysystole: Avoid It, Power Through It or Confront It” at the March of Dimes- Chicago chapter event March 10-11, 2014. for details about her 25 years of civilian and military experience, AWHONN leadership and clinical research.

is an innovative provider of fetal surveillance systems employing patented, pattern-recognition and obstetrics technologies that empower perinatal clinicians to make confident, real-time decisions about the mothers and babies in their care. PeriGen-s customer-centric team of clinicians and technologists builds the most advanced systems available to augment obstetric decision-making and improve communications among the clinical team at the point of care, while supporting data flow between healthcare IT systems.

Angela Jenkins
Amendola Communications

Suzanne Trajkoski
Marketing Director

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