Jahia Introduces JahiaOne, its First International User Conference


Jahia, , today announces a major event and a premiere in its history: JahiaOne, its first international conference. Save the date for February 6 & 7th 2014 for an exceptional 2-day conference.

“Our products and technologies are experiencing an expanding interest from all around the world, from all types of companies with sophisticated and successful web and mobile projects worth sharing. We felt it was the right time to provide our community with the right event to meet, share and get further involved with our solutions, thanks to the presence of our international architect team and of passionate consultants as well as. JahiaOne is this event and we hope it-ll become the key recurring event our community is expecting,” says Elie Auvray, CEO of Jahia Solutions Group SA.

JahiaOne in a Nutshell

– Time and location: Paris on February 6th & 7th

– Audience: this two-day event is the ideal venue for Jahia developers, users, clients and partners to meet, share their experience and discover Jahia-s upcoming versions. Members of the Jahia community from all around the world, including speakers from global customers and partners and, of course, the Jahia Team will be present.

– Program: The program will feature technical and business tracks, as well as certifying sessions for the upcoming Jahia release.

– Tickets are only 99EUR and covers the two-day conference, lunches, dinner on the Thursday night and coffee breaks. Inscriptions are open . ()

– More about ()

Jahia One program

Here are some of the key elements of the two-day program currently under finalization:

– Keynotes from the Jahia team and other speakers to present the major achievements and projects of both past and upcoming months

– Detailed presentations of the upcoming versions of Jahia xCM and Jahia Wise.

– A series of certifying sessions will be delivered for already certified developers to “upgrade” their certification to this new version – FOR FREE.

– Two parallel tracks – Business and Technical – of over 10 slots each, to further explore the capabilities of Jahia. These tracks are open to speakers from partners and customers.

– A FREE certification session will give experienced developers (we recommend a minimum of one Jahia 6.6 project carried out in the past 12 months) the opportunity to pass the Jahia certification exam

– Many networking opportunities to keep the conversation going in a more personalized fashion

– Another key highlight of JahiaOne will be the Gala Dinner on Thursday night: a great time for networking and discovering the winners of the ()

As new speakers, sponsors and partners will join, information will be announced and presented on the website.

About Jahia

Jahia-s next-generation, Open Source CMS stems from a widely acknowledged vision of enterprise application convergence – web, search, document, social and portal – unified by the simplicity of web content management. Structured around Jahia xCM, Jahia Wise, Jahia Studio and based on the powerful Jahia Content Platform, Jahia brings a unique modularity to the Java development arena. With its hundreds of built-in widgets, downloadable JahiApps and third party modules, Jahia is the tool of choice for building business-driven user experiences for innovative web and mobile applications, at a fraction of the cost of competing solutions.

Founded in 2002 and based in Geneva (Switzerland), Jahia Solutions Group has offices in Paris (France), Klagenfurt (Austria), Dusseldorf (Germany), Toronto (Canada) and Washington, DC (USA). Jahia counts hundreds of global brands and governmental organizations among its loyal customers, in more than 20 countries across the globe. For more information, visit: .

Press Contact – StoriesOut
Anne de Forsan
+33 9 51 51 10 76

Press Contact – StoriesOut
Stephane Neraud
+33 9 51 51 10 76

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