codeREADr App Launches Regex Technology for Authenticating Ticket, Offer and Voucher IDs Issued in Real-Time to Today-s Mobile Consumer

BOSTON, MA — (Marketwired) — 11/06/13 — Skycore LLC, developers of , the commercial barcode scanning app for iOS and Android devices, has today launched regular expression (-regex-) technology enabling venues and merchants to authenticate patterns found within their ticket, offer and voucher IDs.

With this technology they can authenticate both printed and mobile IDs, even if issued in real-time to a consumer-s mobile phone immediately prior to use. Since internet connectivity at the point of service can sometimes be slow, unstable or non-existent, the technology was designed to work with or without connectivity.

Service providers, such as ticketing companies, event organizers and marketers, need to issue IDs with a defined number of characters and ideally a pattern not readily discerned by the recipient. The resulting template and its corresponding regex can be as simple or complex as the level of security demands.

The codeREADr app first checks a scanned ID against the issuer-s database of actual IDs. If the scanned ID is not in that database for any reason, the app then checks the scanned ID against the pre-defined template. The app will correspondingly alert the app user whether the ID is valid, invalid or duplicate.

“For service providers, syncing ID issuance and ID authentication databases in real-time is the ideal method but quite complex. Regex pattern matching is an effective alternative, especially if internet connectivity is unstable at the point of service,” said Rich Eicher, CEO of Skycore LLC.

“As wallet apps like Passbook, PassWallet and Google Wallet become increasingly popular, we hope to make authentication easier for service providers,” added Eicher.

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About codeREADr
is an innovative SaaS platform for cloud-based auto-ID and data capture (AIDC) solutions.

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Release ID: 363606

Richard Eicher Sr.
Director, Business Development
Skycore LLC
Phone: (617) 279-0040 x1

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