From RXVP to the interface in one’s head: Harry Sneed and Bernd Flessner present the highlights of testing history at Software-QS-Tag

The conference that takes place in Nuremberg on 7th and 8th November 2013 is themed around „Tools for Software-QA and Testing”. Known tool and testing experts from industry and economy showcase the current tool market. But what were the beginnings of today’s tool landscape? And how could testing and the relevant tools evolve during the following decades?
In his great entry speech, Harry Sneed highlights the history of software test automation – from RXVP to the TestBench. In 1977 it was Sneed who developed the first German test tool Prüfstand. But his speech goes some steps even more aback. He starts with USA’s Ballistic Missile Defense project in the early 1970s and portrays the development of test automation down to imbus TestBench. Harry Sneed shows: It’s the problem of checking an almost infinite number of possible combinations of inputs in a very limited moment of time that has ever been boosting the development of tools.
The closing lecture of Dr Bernd Flessner, professor for futurology at the University Erlangen-Nuremberg, takes the audience on a journey to the year 2050. In his keynote, he explains how much the boundaries between man and machine will blur. Due to nanotechnology there will be an internalisation of currently still external technical prosthesis, like smartphones for example. Software will no longer be developed then, but designed in one’s mind – interconnected with other heads and computers. For that reason Bernd Flessner predicts that software testing will be based on intelligent hard- and software, too.

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