State of Colorado Wins National Award for Database-as-a-Service Initiative

MENLO PARK, CA — (Marketwired) — 10/22/13 — Delphix, a leading provider of agile data delivery solutions, today announced that its customer, the State of Colorado, received an award at the annual ISM conference in San Diego, CA, for Excellence in Information Technology, based on the successful delivery of database-as-a-service for the Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS) project. ISM is an affiliate of the American Public Human Services Association.

The Colorado Benefits Management System determines eligibility for Medicaid, food assistance, cash assistance, Children-s Basic Health Plan, and case management for work programs. The system is maintained by Deloitte Consulting, LLC. CBMS supports over 4,200 end users who determine eligibility and benefits for over 700,000 active clients, processing payments of over $60,000,000 per month.

CBMS implemented an internal productivity initiative in October 2012 to create a more agile, flexible and scalable data management solution, a database-as-a-service project. Colorado is one of the first states to deploy the technology applied in this initiative. With this solution, Colorado achieved the rare combination of improved service levels at reduced costs.

The Delphix-enabled database-as-a-service solution solved two key challenges for the state. First, the CBMS system required significant, expensive investments in data management. With a 5 TB production database, CBMS would require the equivalent of 90 TB of storage in order to provide the necessary data for development, test, and reporting environments, growing at nearly 1 TB per month. Second, creating development and test environments for the project team took days to weeks, delaying project updates. These costs and delays were dramatically reduced with Delphix.

“We found some incredible benefits from our Delphix implementation,” Said Sherri Hammons, CTO for the State of Colorado. “We were able to take a three-day full copy process of our production database down to half an hour. It really was transformational for CBMS.”

“Delphix helps customers ship critical application projects faster at lower cost and with higher quality,” said Jedidiah Yueh, Delphix CEO. “Applications like CBMS affect the day to day lives of thousands of families, so it-s important to test those applications aggressively and ensure quality delivery. Delphix helps IT organizations do that within tight budget constraints.”

Delphix is being used by multiple U.S. states, federal civilian, and military agencies to reduce the time, cost, and effort of delivering key applications to citizens.

Delphix enables agile data, transforming the economics of database and application management. Delphix software addresses the single largest source of inefficiency and inflexibility in the modern datacenter — delivering, managing, and refreshing data for business-critical application projects. Leading global organizations use Delphix to reduce the time, cost, and risk of application rollouts by 20-50%, while simplifying database operations by 100x and improving software and hardware utilization by 10x. Delphix is located in Menlo Park, California.

Chris Fucanan
H3O Communications


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