Multiple E-Mail Client SolMail Unveiled in Russia

SEOUL, KOREA — (Marketwired) — 10/21/13 — Daum Communications (KOSDAQ: 035720), one of South Korea-s largest portals, is introducing its multi-account e-mail application _SolMail_ in Russian.

SolMail is an e-mail collector that gathers all of the e-mail messages from multiple accounts in one place.

With SolMail, users can access e-mails not only on popular e-mail services such as Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo mail but also any others that provide IMAP, SMTP and POP3 protocols.

One of SolMail-s major strengths would be its openness. Users can use their existing e-mail accounts at SolMail, while taking advantage of the advanced environment and features.

SolMail makes our lives a lot easier. It brings all of the folders in your accounts so you do not need to go back to the old e-mail app to find anything, and you can also read and manage all of the e-mail messages in main folders of multiple accounts in one big folder.

Archiving is also one of the most important features in SolMail. Users can store emails in the -Archive- folder and keep their e-mail list neat and tidy by simply swiping on the title of the e-mail on the list.

Another useful feature is the -Quick Filter- which helps sorting and categorizing e-mails by various standards. Users can filter e-mails by importance, with or without attachments, read or unread and mails which were sent mainly to you.

In addition, customers can use over 700 free stickers and easily attach any photos from one-s photo gallery when writing emails with any account they-re using.

After SolMail was introduced in English and Korean on September 10, media from all over the world published reviews on SolMail. Moreover users translated SolMail to their own languages spontaneously, and this worked as a key factor to SolMail-s successful debut. Later Sol Studio added 10 more languages to SolMail — Russian, German, Brazilian-Portuguese, French, Spanish, Italian, Rumanian, Polish, Chinese and Japanese, as there was a sharp increase in the number of requests from the global users.

Sol Studio at Daum also provides SolCalendar, an incredibly easy, fast and beautiful calendar app. It-s now available in English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

Both SolMail and SolCalendar are available at Google Play. Sol Studio at Daum is planning to upgrade its services consistently by reflecting the comments and ideas given by the users.

SolMail —

SolCalendar —

Kang Yukyeong

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