Topic collection 2.0: The main topic of the Software-QS-Tag 2014 is determined in an interactive way

For more than 20 years Software-QS-Tag is the conference for experts on software QA and testing. “We want to give them now the possibility to co-create the event even more actively”, explains Tilo Linz, chairman of the programme committee. For that reason, the main topic of the conference in 2014 will be provided for the first time by its visitors.
This calls for ideas on the umbrella topic that will run like a golden thread through all technical lectures, tutorials and workshops. There will be five parallel tracks during the conference: agile testing, structural testing, test management, test automation and special topics. Suggestions should be designed such that you can break them down into the separate tracks.
All participants of this year’s conference as well as of those of the years before can submit propositions. That’s how it works: The group “Software-QS-Tag” on XING is the pivotal element. So you need to be registered as a member in order to join the action. Post your topic proposition in the panel “Call for papers”. Deadline for the submission of possible topics is 17th November 2013.
The community’s feedback on the posted ideas will then be ascertained by an online poll. Then the proposals will be ranked according to this and will go to the programme committee. The ranking places as well as the programme committee’s professional assessment decide which topic will become the focus for 2014. In the middle of December this year, the official conference theme will be proclaimed.
Everybody submitting a proposal will be entered into a price draw for three copies of Tilo Linz’ new German-language reference book “Testen in Scrum-Projekten”. The participant who posts the winning theme will be invited as VIP to attend for free the conference on 6th and 7th November 2014. Lest there should be more persons who submit the winning theme during the action, the winner of the VIP ticket will be chosen at random.

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