Free White Paper: How to achieve international Compliance for your e-Invoicing?

Düsseldorf, 15th October 2013 – AuthentiDate International AG, one of the leading IT security specialist for international e-Invoicing processing, has released for free download its comprehensive e-Invoicing white paper covering legal frameworks for electronic exchange of invoices.

The 35-page White Paper explains the legal situation in a simple and easy to understand way, and it clearly lists national requirements for sending and receiving electronic invoices throughout all EU countries and selected countries in Europe, Asia and Americas, i.e. Switzerland, Hong Kong, Mexico and United States of America. In some countries, for example, using electronic invoices is mandatory. Any company that compiles invoices in, and for recipients within these countries will benefit substantially from AuthentiDate’s White Paper to ensure the invoicing process has been imple-mented and maintained in compliance with existing legal requirements.

In addition to the requirements for sending and receiving electronic invoices, the specific national requirements for electronic archiving have been outlined for all listed countries.

The extent to which individual European countries have implemented the new EU Council Directive 2010/45/EU for electronic invoicing in country-specific laws is also explained in detail. (This Directive came into force in Germany with the Tax Simplification Act of Nov. 2011.) Fulfilling various national requirements for e-Invoicing often represents an additional and significant challenge for companies, particularly those with international business relations and subsidiaries.

The White Paper, which provides an overview of the legal situation in the European Union and details for all EU countries and selected countries outside the EU, is available free of charge for download at and

In addition to the White Paper, AuthentiDate offers its long standing e-Invoicing expertise through its SIGNAMUS Cloud Service, which has received a security certification from the independent, global accepted TÜV security organisation. SIGNAMUS provides a simple, economic, secure solution, verified for years by many local and international high profile companies.

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