Real-time mobile money services open up new revenue channels

Paderborn (Germany), 14 June 2011: The mobile phone?s success as a versatile financial inclusion tool is growing more and more, catching the eye of international technology and financial companies. To compensate for shrinking revenues from traditional services, mobile operators must offer additional services, for instance mobile money. New partnerships between mobile operators and credit card companies signal the increasing dependence of financial systems on the mobile phone to reach populations who would normally not access card facilities. The Smart Money Suite of Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, enables telecom operators and financial institutions to offer those advanced mobile payment and financial services.
Access to new profitable revenue potential
Growing customer demands on operator services are triggering a transformation in charging and billing. In spite of declining growth rates for traditional mobile services and shrinking margins, the need for providing services such as mobile payment, money transfer and airtime selling should be seen as a serious opportunity. Not only does mobile money open up new revenue channels, it also enables operators to move into new geographic markets. Orga Systems? Mobile Money System ensures customer retention and revenue growth by simple usage, highest security and outstanding real-time capabilities.
Next generation mobile services on a single platform
Nowadays mobile network operators often face challenges in their day-to-day management. Investing into real-time based mobile money solutions including extensive functionality makes them overcome these obstacles and enables them to offer an inexpensive but extensive distribution network and attain skills to provide financial services. Orga Systems? mobile payment solutions are enabling outstanding services while providing the ability to make diversified transactions and integrating with the same platform an operator is working with.

Orga Systems ? #1 choice for real-time charging and billing
Orga Systems? convergent real-time charging and billing portfolio enables profitable business for Telecommunication Companies, Mobile Finance Institutions and Energy Suppliers.
Orga Systems? products and consulting services are designed for living in a connected world: scalable architecture, outstanding performance, lowest rating latency and consequent customer-centricity ensure reliable access to any kind of next generation mobile services.
Worldwide 40+ customers, serving 350+ M subscribers, rely on Orga Systems and achieve competitive advantages in their industry: reduced OPEX, real time-to-market, short-termed ROI as well as beneficial access to new value chains and revenue streams.
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