SAN FRANCISCO, CA — (Marketwired) — 10/08/13 — , the -Zero-Knowledge- privacy cloud technologies provider, has hired David Dahl as the project director of the Crypton project. A veteran software privacy engineer with over 15 years at Mozilla Corporation, Dahl is also one of the founding members of the W3C Web Cryptography Working Group. Dahl will expand the Crypton project and community, as well as staff Crypton up for growing momentum.
“Crypton revolutionizes the way privacy works over the Web,” said SpiderOak CEO Ethan Oberman. “Now any developer can benefit from a privacy-first design architecture without having to be a cryptographer. David has spent the last many years focusing on the intersection between privacy and browser technology at Firefox. Couple that with SpiderOak-s focus on building -Zero-Knowledge- Privacy applications and it is a natural fit.”
With over fifteen years in engineering experience and a passion for cryptography, Dahl is the ideal project director to galvanize Crypton for a widespread audience. Dahl comes to SpiderOak from Mozilla Corporation, where he worked as senior software engineer for privacy. In addition, he helped found the W3C Web Cryptography Working Group via his work on DOMCrypt, a cryptography extension for the Firefox web browser. Before that, David-s work at Industrial Light + Magic in San Francisco built a knowledgebase at Lucasfilm to document special effects software and processes. He lives in the woods near Chicago with his wife and 2 children, where he tends to his micro-vineyard.
“Crypton is an incredibly useful, easy-to-use and unique foundation for web developers to build Web applications and Web-based communication tools around the notion of privacy and security,” said Dahl. “With the (now unfolding) general knowledge that every conversation we have online is being monitored, I find I want to try to do something about this situation. SpiderOak is doing it now, and in a compelling way. It is a natural fit.”
Crypton is the first ever -Zero-Knowledge- application framework that enables privacy-first applications without a locally downloaded client or cryptographic knowledge. Crypton extracts complicated cryptography and encryption layers present in SpiderOak and reorients them for the web using JavaScript via the browser. It is a game-changing application design with privacy at the fore of the Web.
To learn more about Crypton, visit .
SpiderOak provides cloud technologies built around -Zero-Knowledge- Privacy. This -Zero-Knowledge- Privacy Standard ensures absolute confidentiality between you and your data, everywhere, every time and from every device. With SpiderOak, you maintain full and complete control of your data in a centralized, managed and fully protected environment. SpiderOak: we-ve got your back(up).
Sammy Totah
BOCA Communications
+1.415.738.7718 ext. 7
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