IO-Link has been continuously growing in the German machinery industry since 2007, Quest Trend Magazine reveals

Bochum, Germany, May 26, 2011 – IO-Link is a field bus-neutral interface, which makes the point-to-point connection between I/O modules and sensors able to communicate. The existing 2/3 wiring can be used. So any additional core for diagnosis and parameter settings of sensors becomes unnecessary. With analogue sensors IO-Link saves the analogue boxes. Also the screened cable often necessary with analogue sensors is omitted.

71% of 300 investigated machine-builders responded to these benefits of IO-Link with positive feedback in the year 2007. 1% of them already used IO-Link at that time.

Since then this portion increased to 7% in 2009, to 10% in 2010 and now to 12% this year. This indicates a continuous, step by step development that is quite typical for the careful implementation of a new technology.

At the same time machine-builders are using IO-Link in more and more sectors. This confirms that machine-builders are seeing a benefit in IO-Link that is intersectoral and related to different applications. Initially the two sectors machine tools and packaging machines belonged to the pioneer sectors in 2007, then since 2009 further sectors entered in addition such as wood processing machines, robotics + automation, conveyer and food processing machines.

This year nine of ten automation-relevant machine-building industry sectors already use IO-Link.

The Quest Trend Magazine publishes in addition to these trends current statements by machine-builders to the implementation of IO-Link on the link below..

Furthermore the Quest Trend Magazine publishes the report of a supplier from components to IO-Link, which documents various applications for IO-Link and the associated benefits. The link to this article is

The trends to IO-Link are based on market surveys by Quest TechnoMarketing, Bochum, London, from the years 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2011. The current Quest study „What the machine-builders want to change in automation 2011“was accomplished in January/February covering scarcely 250 representative machine-builders. Highlights, table of contents and budget of the study on

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