Award-Winning St. Joseph-s Hospital Health Center Adopts PeriGen Technology to Assess Health of Mothers and Babies

PRINCETON, NJ — (Marketwired) — 09/24/13 — , the global leader in applying real-time clinical decision support to perinatal systems, today announced that in Syracuse, N.Y., has selected its fetal surveillance system to provide real-time access to automated assessments of labor progress and fetal heart rate patterns.

St. Joseph-s Hospital, a Level III Perinatal Care Center, delivers approximately 1,900 babies annually. It is the only facility in Central New York designated a Baby Friendly Hospital by the World Health Organization and an 11-time winner of the National Research Corporation Consumer Choice award.

Observing first-hand the demonstrated interfacing between PeriGen and Epic enterprise-wide electronic health record (EHR) at another PeriGen client hospital-s test environment cemented St. Joseph-s Hospital Health Center-s decision to adopt the PeriCALM Tracings solution. Patient information and fetal strip data are interfaced between the two systems, eliminating the need for double documentation. This setup also includes secure single sign-on functionality in which users logging onto one application are automatically authenticated in the other.

“We contacted PeriGen in April and moved very quickly to sign a contract with them,” said Marty Mulderig, director of Information Services at St. Joseph-s Hospital. “We were impressed by the level of integration we saw with Epic. Most importantly, PeriCALM Tracings- advanced fetal surveillance helps us maintain the high standard of care we are recognized for in our community.”

Unlike most fetal surveillance systems, PeriCALM Tracings offers an expanded split screen view that enables clinicians to see the mother-s and baby-s heart rate in current state and over the past two hours. Assisted by the on-screen-s dynamic visual cues accentuating the most critical patient information, clinicians can spot trends over time to prevent potential complications or errors, increasing safety and reducing risk.

“With its complexities, resource demands and emergent situations, obstetrics is an area where clinicians and patients benefit significantly from having advanced technology immediately accessible at the bedside,” said Matthew Sappern, CEO of PeriGen. “Our solutions exist to help clinicians make knowledge-driven decisions. We are thrilled to be working with St. Joseph-s Hospital Health Center and to be part of their commitment to improving the quality of OB care.”

PeriGen, Inc., is an innovative provider of fetal surveillance systems employing patented, pattern-recognition and obstetrics technologies that empower perinatal clinicians to make confident, real-time decisions about the mothers and babies in their care. PeriGen-s customer-centric team of clinicians and technologists builds the most advanced systems available to augment obstetric decision-making and improve communications among the clinical team at the point of care, while supporting data flow between healthcare IT systems.

PeriGen-s unique fetal surveillance products provide dynamic visual cues that direct clinicians to the most essential patient information displayed on the screen. Unlike legacy fetal monitoring devices and software from non-specialist companies, PeriGen Visual Cueing provides an instant view of the mother-s and baby-s current status and trends over time to avoid errors, increasing patient safety and reducing risk for clinicians and hospitals. For more information, please visit us at .

Angela Jenkins
Amendola Communications for PeriGen

Suzanne Trajkoski
Marketing Director

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