E-mobility research: comm.fleet supports the intelligent disposition of electric vehicles

As part of the research project “metropol-E” carried out by the city of Dortmund and funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) communal mobility concepts are increasingly focused towards electric vehicles and tested under the conditions of intelligent and fast charging, geographically concentrated in the metropolitan region of Ruhr. The municipal fleet of electric vehicles of the city of Dortmund is thereby available for test purposes.

The consortium controlling the research project “metropol-E” consists of the city of Dortmund, the technical Universities of Dortmund and Berlin, the PTV AG, the Ewald Consulting GmbH & Co as well as the RWE Efficiency GmbH, which acts as a consortial leader.

The main project objectives are on the one hand the enlargement of the municipal fleet by electric vehicles and on the other hand the organization of the vehicles’ usage with the help of an intelligent fleet management system. This solution is evaluated concerning its suitability for an everyday use taking into account the local load management of charging processes and involving the availability of decentrally generated renewable energies. Moreover in the project charging concepts of fast charging technologies and differentiated booking and payment methods will be further developed as well as tested at different locations in a public transparent and practically oriented manner.

A sub-project of “metropol-E” focuses on the implementation of the “booking and reservation system,” which includes the tasks of dynamic vehicle availability, vehicle reservation and management of the vehicles’ data.

On this field RWE Efficiency has decided to use and to develop further the innovative fleet management software comm.fleet. Therewith RWE Efficiency will be able to get answers to the complex requirements typical for electric vehicles, such as the management of the vehicles’ data and costs, the backend communication with the RWE charging stations’ management system in order to get information about the current locations and charge states of the vehicles, an intelligent disposition based on the above mentioned data – both as a web frontend and as a mobile app – as well as evaluations of expenses, stops, durations or even coverage.

The disposition module supports the vehicle rental in general as well as a short-term rental. Whether in a tabular form or in the graphical disposition board, comm.fleet always provides a detailed overview of all electric fleet vehicles, all current locations, each booking and booking cancellation.

Beside the management of the vehicle rental categories which automates the access for reservations, also the automatic validation in the background of the planned and the actual mileage of all available electric vehicles facilitates the daily work.Furthermore comm.fleet offers an individually scalable and structurable parking management. The automatic search of available parking spaces is included. Evaluations of vehicle utilization, cost per mile, cost centers and a lot more can be freely extended and illustrated with graphics.

The potential users book the vehicles by themselves. Beside the integration in comm.fleet, a web frontend is available which allows project members an independent search of electric vehicles and booking directly via Internet or Intranet. Freely defined time and/or mileage-based rates can be stored and used for calculations. After the booking is completed and the electric vehicle returned, billing can be processed. Freely defined tariffs stored in the system can be employed for the billing.

As the coverage of the batteries’ state of charge as well as the distance to the nearest charging station are of great importance, it is a particular challenge in the e-mobility project “metropol-E” to meet the highly complex requirements of electric vehicles. comm.fleet along with the RWE e-mobility backend system supports this research with a highly intelligent interface-based booking and disposition functionality taking into account where each vehicle is currently located and what is the distance to the nearest charging station, stresses Claus Festival, Project Manager at RWE Efficiency GmbH and Lead Manager of the “metropol-E” project.

The cooperation with the RWE Efficiency GmbH at the e-mobility project “metropol-E” is a very interesting and inspiring challenge for the community4you GmbH. So we do not only employ our fleet management software comm.fleet, but also analyze different approaches to an intelligent disposition of electric vehicles. We are already looking forward to successfully completing the project by the end of the year and are happy that thus a milestone in the e-mobility research will become reality, concludes Uwe Bauch, CEO of the community4you GmbH.

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