8 games for Mac and PC for free

Stacksocial packed 8 games in its latest Mac Freebie Gamer Bundle.
The 8 games are worth around 135$ and are available until the end of the year and come for the Mac and PC Platform (only selected games). The follwing games are included:
Brickshooter Egypt for Mac & PC, Atlantis Quest for Mac & PC, Otto Matic for Mac & PC, Nanosaur 2: Hatchling for Mac, BigHead BASH, Crazy Fairies, Akaneiro: Demon Hunters and Gears for Mac.

If you want to be informed faster about similar bundles, you should sign up for the newsletter under www.Mac-Bundles.com.

More information about the programs including short descriptions of the bundle under www.Mac-Bundles.com .

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