REMINDER: MEDIA ALERT: Forte Design Systems to Demonstrate Design Flow Between Cynthesizer, Synopsys Implementation and Verification Solutions at SNUG Boston and SNUG Austin

SAN JOSE, CA — (Marketwired) — 09/11/13 —

(), the #1 provider of SystemC synthesis products, enabling design at a higher level of abstraction and improving design results

Will showcase a design flow between Cynthesizer 5 and Synopsys- RTL synthesis and functional verification products at the SNUGĀ® (Synopsys Users Group) Boston and Austin Designer Community Expos (DCE) in the System-level Design community. Forte will demonstrate Cynthesizer 5-s low power synthesis and SystemC intellectual property (IP) development capabilities.

SNUG Boston
Boston Newton Marriott
Newton, Mass.
Thursday, September 12
5-7 p.m.

SNUG Austin
Hilton Austin Hotel
Austin, Texas
Wednesday, September 18
5-7 p.m.

To learn more about Forte Design Systems and Cynthesizer, visit:

The SNUG Designer Community Expo (DCE) is a unique networking event featuring Synopsys and its ecosystem partners from across the electronics industry. At SNUG DCE Synopsys users can interact with exhibitors and see the latest design enablement solutions spanning seven Designer Communities: Compute and Design Infrastructure, Custom Design and AMS Verification, FPGA, IC Design, IC Verification, IP, and System-Level Design. The event is open to all registered attendees of SNUG Boston and SNUG Austin.

The SNUG website can be found at:

is the #1 provider of electronic system-level (ESL) synthesis software, confirmed by Gary Smith EDA, provider of market intelligence for the global Electronic Design Automation (EDA) market. Forte-s software enables design at a higher level of abstraction and improves design results. Its innovative synthesis technologies and intellectual property offerings allow design teams creating complex electronic chips and systems to reduce their overall design and verification time. More than half of the top 20 worldwide semiconductor companies use Forte-s products in production today for ASIC, SoC and FPGA design. Forte is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., with additional offices in England, Japan, Korea and the United States. For more information, visit .

Forte Design Systems and Cynthesizer are registered trademarks for Forte Design Systems. Forte acknowledges trademarks or registered trademarks of other organizations for their respective products and services.

For more information, contact:
Brett Cline
Forte Design Systems
(978) 206-1855

Nanette Collins
Public Relations for Forte Design Systems
(617) 437-1822

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