ViPNet and Industry 4.0 as exhibition topic – Infotecs is exhibitor at it-sa

Several times Infotecs GmbH, provider of the specified and flexible VPN software ViPNet, visited it sa – The IT Security Expo and Congress and lectured on exciting topics relating to IT security. This year, the High Security specialist presents for the first time as an exhibitor at the BITKOM joint stand in hall 12.0, stand no. 558 at the Nuremberg exhibition from 08th to 10th October 2013. Since 2009, it sa has been organized as a separate exhibition in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg and is primarily addressed to CIOs and security administrators. The range of themes of this year´s trade fair includes amongst others IT compliance and data protection, network and computing centre security, mobile security (BYOD), and security in the cloud.

In the focus of the presentation of Infotecs is the new version 4.0 of the certified IT security solution ViPNet. Visitors learn more about the use of ViPNet technology for Industry 4.0 and how to provide adequate protection for Internet-based and internal communication of manufacturing plants.

“For us Industry 4.0 is not just a slogan” explains Sergej Torgow, managing director of Infotecs Internet Security Software GmbH in Germany. “We´ve focused also on machine manufacturers and operators for a long time already. The protection against external as well as internal attacks on machinery or company data is especially in this sector existential.” Because more and more industrial companies using modern IT technologies the risk of manipulations of the internal production environment increases. Sergej Torgow continues: “At it-sa we want especially address the target group industrial manufacturing businesses to sensitize for IT security in the Industry 4.0.”

The ViPNet technology is a software-based VPN solution, which enables direct point-to-point encryption between location-based and mobile users. In the industrial sector, production can be controlled safely and securely by using the specified IT-security solution, regardless of time and place. The VPN technology adapts to any network structures and is infinitely scalable.

On 08.10.2013 at 4:45 pm Josef Waclaw (Infotecs Sales Manager DACH) lectures on “Industry 4.0: Smart systems require smart VPN solutions” in the auditorium of hall 12.0. For a free admission to the exhibition interested parties can contact Infotecs under the subject “it-sa” and receive a registration code (contact form:

About it-sa – the IT Security Expo and Congress
As the only exhibition for IT security in the German-speaking region, it-sa covers the wide spectrum of IT security. From 8th-10th October 2013, suppliers from all areas of IT security, including the physical protection of computer centres, present innovative products and a comprehensive range of services. Specific information about current themes in management and technology awaits the visitor in special areas and forums. This makes it-sa a must for everyone who is professionally involved in the security of IT structures. For more information visit the website

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