Dr Sandro Gaycken to speak at IQPC’s conference Cyber Security

The trend is, however, obvious: International economic espionage and IT security are increasing and significantly influence the success of all economic sectors. It’s unlikely that the public is so far aware of the devastating influence of cyber attacks on costs and professional know-how. Only an estimated one of every 10,000 cases of IT espionage comes to light.

For Dr Sandro Gaycken, Technical and Security Researcher at the Freie Universität in Berlin and Adviser to the German Military, one thing is certain: A cyber war is already happening. And that seemingly on all levels, whether in the military or corporate sector.

Dr Gaycken will speak at IQPC’s conference Cyber Security, taking place from 30 Mai – 2 June 2011 in Berlin, on the topic “Cyber War – A new challenge for the protection of critical infrastructures”. His presentation will cover the following points:
•Cyber War is defined by high technical quality
•Conventional technical and organisational protection concepts are inefficient
•Deterrence and law enforcement are impossible
•Cyber warriors can access everything and inflict severe damage
•A new situation that requires radical measures
•High risk due to potential high damages

Companies need to arm themselves against cyber danger to provide the maximum protection necessary for their infrastructure. This conference gives companies the opportunity to discuss with Dr Gaycken and further experts, such as Andrea Müller from the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Michael Lardschneider, CSO from Munich Re.

Further information, including articles and interviews about cyber security can be found at
Please note: This conference will be held in German language.

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