ViPNet OFFICE 4.0: Upgrade of the certified VPN solution

As of now, the VPN solution ViPNet OFFICE is in version 4.0 on the market. Continuously the Infotecs GmbH improves their certified IT security solution for their customers for even more comfort, safety and flexibility. Version 4.0 convinces through the availability for Apple computers. Besides Microsoft Windows based operating systems and Linux based Virtual Appliances ViPNet Manager, the central component for IT administrators, now also supports the management of ViPNet clients (software for VPN users) with Mac OS from Apple. Hence Microsoft Windows 8 is available for all solution components of ViPNet OFFICE for 32 and 64 bits.

IT administrators benefit from two new add-ons as well as numerous improvements in handling. With the extension ViPNet State Watcher network representatives can centrally monitor the availableness of critical network connections from the local computer. Thereby over 200 parameters such as storage, memory and CPU load are monitored and error notifications are sent automatically to the IT department. The ViPNet Policy Manager as an additional optional add-on centrally manages security policies such as e.g. firewall rules and spares the manual checking of the security policy for each client. General corporate policies can be implemented easily and quickly. Both add-ons, ViPNet State Watcher and ViPNet Policy Manager, are particularly suitable for the construction and management of larger networks within and between companies.

Another innovation is the convenient installation of the software and the implementation of the primary key initialization using the Windows Installer (MSI) for Microsoft Windows operating systems. IT managers can realize rollout for all clients from their own PC. Thus, the installation at the customer site or in remote offices is unnecessary.

ViPNet OFFICE is a software-based VPN solution for both large enterprises as well as SMBs. The great adaptability of ViPNet technology enables the use in industrial production and logistics as well as secure encrypted connection within the corporate network via LTE.

For all partners, customers and other interested parties the new version 4.0 of ViPNet OFFICE is available for download at the Infotecs website On 20.09.2013 (3:00 p.m.) and on 16.10.2013 (5:30 p.m.), the Infotecs GmbH invites all interested people to the webinar “ViPNet OFFICE: New in version 4.0”, in which the improvements of the upgrade are clearly explained (webinar and registration in German at

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