E-Invoicing / E-Billing – From evolution to revolution

Wil/ Switzerland, 30 March 2011 – Organisations can save the equivalent of 1-2% of their turnover by replacing paper invoices and optimising the related processes. Compared to traditional paper-based systems, electronic and automated invoice processes can generate savings of 50-80%. Consequently, the payback period on e-Invoicing projects can be as short as six months.

In 2011, approximately 5 million European invoice issuers and 75 million recipients are expected to exchange more than three billion electronic invoices. In the past, e-Invoicing was often initiated by large enterprises or the public sector. These days, however, a wide variety of efficient e-Invoicing solu-tions are available for small and medium-sized enterprises, which is one of the reasons for why strong and sustainable growth rates of 30-35% have been predicted for the coming years.

Due to the attractiveness of this market, around 500 service providers and another 200 application providers are offering their solutions and services in Europe. As an aid for companies that want to choose the best program or find a suitable service, there is a new market report written by Bruno Koch, an independent and internationally renowned industry analyst and owner of the consulting company Billentis.

The report provides all the relevant data and information for the larger markets and helps the reader by focusing on the most promising solutions. The report not only provides facts, but also useful opin-ions, information about relevant initiatives (standards, legislation), evaluations, and details of solutions offered by more than 20 providers.

A free 16-page extract of the report is available at

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