„What the machine-builders want to change in the automation technology 2011“- new Quest study

Bochum, Germany, March 29th, 2011 – The new Quest study identifies the changes the machine-builders are considering this year in the control technology and the drive technology. It makes the technological change transparent like a voter migration analysis. It identifies the increasing and the decreasing technologies and the connection between both.

In addition the study covers the current implementations of robotics, energy efficient drives, I/O modules, IO-Link and RFID in this year.

The change readiness of the machine-builders achieves with 82% its maximum value in the monitoring of the technology change recorded by Quest TechnoMarketing for nine years.

For 55% of the machine-builders is the focus on the implementation of energy efficient drives in this year. Changes in the drive technology are considering 31% and in the control technology 24% of the machine-builders.

The portions do not add to 100% as several ranges of the automation technology are concerned at the same time.

The new Quest study draws a dynamic and detailed picture of the technology change in the German machinery industry in this year.

The Quest study refers in particular to the manufacturers of automation technology. It supports the product management, the development department, the sales management and the marketing to promote those products and solutions to which the machine-builders will tend this year.

This survey was accomplished in January/February and covered scarcely 250 representative machine-builders with 100 and more employees. Please find highlights, table of contents and budget of the study on the website of Quest TechnoMarketing on http://www.qtm.de/en/headlines.html

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