Infinera and DANTE Set Guinness World Record on GEANT Network

SUNNYVALE, CA and CAMBRIDGE, UNITED KINGDOM — (Marketwired) — 08/14/13 — Infinera (NASDAQ: INFN), a leading provider of , and DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe), an operator of advanced networks for research and education, announced today that they have achieved a Guinness World Record for the fastest rate of multi-Terabit optical capacity across the GÉANT Network. The record underscores how an Intelligent Transport Network enables service providers to use the rapid provisioning time to increase revenues with reliable, differentiated services while reducing operating costs through scale, multi-layer convergence and automation.

Infinera and DANTE were able to install and activate eight Terabits per second (Tb/s) of long haul super-channel optical capacity, enough capacity to simultaneously stream 1.6 million high-definition movies in each direction. This capacity was activated across the GÉANT production network in 19 minutes and 1 second after plugging in the first line card.

The record was set using an Infinera Intelligent Transport Network, featuring the DTN-X packet optical transport networking platform, deployed on the GÉANT backbone across a long distance link from Vancis Amsterdam, The Netherlands to GlobalConnect Hamburg, Germany.

“Working with Infinera to achieve the Guinness World Record for fastest provisioning of long-haul transmission capacity on a live network is consistent with our day-to-day experience operating an Intelligent Transport Network,” said Michael Enrico, CTO of DANTE. “Infinera provides the easy-to-deploy multi-Terabit capacity we need to rapidly scale GÉANT, Europe-s largest research and education network.”

The DTN-X platform provides transmission capacity using 500 Gigabit per second (Gb/s) super-channel line cards which require only two fiber connectors each. Sixteen such cards and 32 fiber connections were deployed at each end of the link, and once the super-channels were in operation a 100 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) service was provisioned over the link. The total time from the insertion of the first super-channel line card to the activation of the 100 GbE service was 19 minutes and 1 second resulting in a provisioning rate of 26.02Tb/s per hour. Competitive alternatives in the marketplace today only offer 100 Gb/s line cards and to achieve the same level of capacity would require the installation of 160 line cards and fibers.

“We know that service providers are facing increasing capacity demands at a multi-Terabit scale,” said Geoff Bennett, Director of Solutions and Technology Marketing at Infinera, and leader of the record-breaking team. “Our ability to turn up a full eight Tb/s of capacity in less than 20 minutes clearly demonstrates the superiority of the Infinera Intelligent Transport Network in meeting those challenges, allowing service providers to use time as a weapon to increase revenue.”

One of the independent observers for the test was Wolf Pueschner, previously the senior vice president for Deutsche Telekom-s Global Network Factory, and now an independent telecommunications consultant in Germany.

“Many companies still make the mistake of underestimating the value of a network-s ease of operation when selecting a vendor,” said Pueschner. “Operators that are best prepared in a highly competitive environment differentiate with solutions that are easy to operate and can quickly turn up services. Transport solutions like Infinera Intelligent Transport Network is a way to win business. This was an unprecedented demonstration, and extremely impressive.”

The test was completed using the Infinera DTN-X platform which delivers the industry-s only production ready long haul 500 Gb/s FlexCoherent super-channels based on 500 Gb/s Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs), engineered to be upgradeable to one Terabit super-channels in the future. The DTN-X converges five Terabits of non-blocking OTN switching into the same platform, resulting in much more efficient network utilization when compared to conventional WDM architectures. Intelligent software combined with this converged platform automates manual operations to lower operational costs and enable faster service delivery.

To view the full test, visit .

Infinera is a leader in Intelligent Transport Networks. Intelligent Transport Networks help carriers exploit the increasing demand for cloud-based services and data center connectivity as they advance into the Terabit Era. Infinera is unique in its use of breakthrough semiconductor technology to deliver large scale Photonic Integrated Circuit (PICs) and the application of PICs to vertically integrated optical networking solutions that deliver the industry-s only commercially available 500 Gb/s FlexCoherent super-channels. Infinera Intelligent Transport Network solutions include the DTN-X, DTN and ATN platforms. Find more at .

DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe) is a non-profit organisation established in 1993 that plans, builds and operates large scale, advanced networks for research and education. On behalf of Europe-s National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), DANTE has built and operates GÉANT, a flagship e-Infrastructure key to achieving the European Research Area. For more information, visit

GÉANT is the pan-European research and education network that interconnects Europe-s National Research and Education Networks (NRENs). Together we connect over 50 million users at 10,000 institutions across Europe, supporting research in areas such as energy, the environment, space and medicine. For more information, visit .

This press release contains forward-looking statements including, among other things, statements relating to Infinera product capabilities, advantages, and the current and planned future functionality including: that the test was completed using the Infinera DTN-X platform which delivers the industry-s only production ready long haul 500G FlexCoherent super-channels based on 500 Gb/s PICs, engineered to be upgradeable to one Terabit super-channels in the future; that the DTN-X converges five Terabits of non-blocking OTN switching into the same platform, resulting in much more efficient network utilization when compared to conventional WDM architectures; that Intelligent software combined with this converged platform automates manual operations to lower operational costs and enables faster service delivery; that competitive alternatives in the marketplace today only offer 100 Gb/s line cards and to achieve the same level of capacity would require the installation of 160 line cards and fibers; that service providers are facing increasing capacity demands at a multi-Terabit scale and Infinera-s ability to turn up a full 8Tb/s of capacity in less than 20 minutes clearly demonstrates the superiority of the Infinera Intelligent Transport Network in meeting those challenges, allowing service providers to use time as a weapon to increase revenue. These forward looking statements are based on our current expectations. Actual results may vary materially from these expectations as a result of various risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, aggressive business tactics by our competitors, our ability to protect our intellectual property rights, our reliance on single-source suppliers, and our ability to respond to rapid technological changes. Further information about these risks and uncertainties, and other risks and uncertainties that affect our business, is contained in the risk factors section and other sections of our annual report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 5, 2013, as well subsequent reports filed with or furnished to the SEC. These reports are available on our website at and the SEC-s website at . Infinera assumes no obligation to, and does not currently intend to, update any such forward-looking statements.

Infinera Media:
Anna Vue
Tel. +1 (916) 595-8157

DANTE Media:
Tamsin Henderson
Tel: +44 1223 371391

Infinera Investors:
Jenifer Kirtland
Tel. +1 (408) 543-8139

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