Open-Source-Accounting Gnuaccounting supports BezahlCode and Magento online shops

Alzey, Germany, 2013-08-12

Gnuaccounting-s payment process was automated with the BezahlCode (“Payment code”, please refer to standard, a 2D-barcode on the invoices to store information how to balance the invoice, including amount, payment purpose and recipient-s bank details. This allows to balance the invoice practically while scanning it.

Accounts, previously only selectable with the mouse, can now be selected faster with the new search-as-you-type feature with the user receiving suggestions while typing.

Additionally, the new version supports importing orders from Magento online shops (please refer to Previously this was possible only with osCommerce orders. With this import, invoices or shipping tickets can be created using drag&drop.

Gnuaccounting 0.8.3 will be released wednesday, 2013-08-14, 15:00 CET on
Until then, a prerelease can be obtained from .
Please refer to the „Release Notes“ on for further changes and corrections.

There will be a one-hour Q&A webinar two hours after the release – 2013-08-14 17:00 to 18:00 CET. The webinar will be in english, taped, and later potentially published. To participate please apply at

About Gnuaccounting:
Gnuaccounting is a Open Source Java invoicing and accounting application. To create invoices and credit memos it embeds or LibreOffice. It supports chipcard-based home banking (HBCI/FinTS) and exports e.g. to Winston, a software for german electronic VAT announcements. Since it-s first version on 2005-03-25 it has been downloaded more than 26,000 times.
The software is available in german and english, can be used as portable application and can optionally use external databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL above it-s embedded Apache Derby. Supported are Windows(r)(tm) (XP, Vista, 7) with 32-Bit-Java and 32 and 64-Bit-KDE-based Linux.
More information can be found on Gnuaccounting-s official website:

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