As secure as a local installation, yet flexible as only a cloud can be: imbus TestBench as a service provides test design and management online

The first priority in the idea of using the test management and test design tool TestBench online is security: Customers need their confidential login data in order to get via secure protocols to the TestBench installation that is specific to their company. imbus sets up individual TestBench installations for every cloud customer. Data are installed on servers in the imbus computing centre located at the premises of the company’s headquarter in Moehrendorf, Germany. All customer systems run completely separately as each installation only contains data of one single company.
Solely appropriately named staff of imbus has physical access to the system. The kind of technical access to the system can be individually adapted to the standards of the customer, for example using a special VPN tunnel.
Besides the typical Brownie points of cloud solutions – e.g. low overheads, accelerated implementing and worldwide mobility – TestBench as a service has even more to offer: Systems are automatically kept on a high maintenance level. New versions and updates are directly installed by imbus in the background as agreed upon with the costumer. In that way validating systems is no problem at all.
When it comes to the functional administration like for example compiling users or installing plugins you can draw on the know-how of the administrators from imbus. In addition to that customers have the possibility to get backing from the imbus testing experts when it comes to optimising the test contents. The TestBench installation can be adapted, configured and extended according to the individual requirements. The installation and all related data are quickly, easily and unrestrictedly convertible to the customer’s infrastructure as and when required.

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