Business Case for Information Technology Outsourcing by the German Mittelstand

As part of his MBA thesis at the European School of Management and Technology, Berlin pliXos partner Mithun Sridharan investigates facts, trends and current opportunities for the German Mittelstand with respect to IT Outsourcing.

There are several forecasts of overall growth in Information Technology (IT) related outsourcing, but hardly any published work on IT outsourcing by “Mittelstand” i.e. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the German-speaking countries, collectively called the DACH region exists.
In his Thesis, pliXos partner Mithun Sridharan addresses the relevant frameworks pertinent to Outsourcing from the perspective of Small and Medium-size companies (“Mittelstand”). The relevant outsourcing models are addressed and outsourcing process presented. A structured analysis of various metrics, including a rigorous financial analysis, is performed to justify benefits that accrue from outsourcing. This analysis is done using empirical data gathered from projects performed with Mittelstand companies in the DACH region (Germany , Austria, Switzerland).
The thesis deals with topics as reasons for Outsourcing, levels of Outsourcing, IT Outsourcing Models including Nearshoring and Offshoring as well as Crowdsourcing and approaches such as Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) often favoured by the SMEs in Germany. The analysis covers all major aspects of the Outsourcing Lifecycle, ranging from strategy development, via procurement planning and vendor selection to Implementation and the ongoing management & governance.
Specific attention is given to the German Mittelstand and its opportunities with respect to IT Outsourcing. Especially the simulation of commercial aspects (Business Case) are investigated in detail and based on neutral standpoint.
“I am very happy Mithun undertook this investigation” explains Dr. Joerg Stimmer, Founder & Managing director of pliXos. “Mithun’s results are of high value to numerous managers already dealing or planning to deal with IT Outsourcing as well as to the outsourcing community in general. They also demonstrate the value of our SaaS tools, in particular the Outsourcing Advisor.”

Anyone interested to get the MBA Thesis (PDF-document, 107 pages, 56 pictures, 5 tables) may order it for a nominal charge of EURO 9,99 at or directly contact either the author Mithun Sridharan at or Joerg Stimmer, founder & MD of pliXos at

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