Plunet achieves record turnover in 2010. New members of staff joining in all areas of the company

Thanks to extremely strong business performance in Europe and North America, and the associated high number of new customers, Plunet again has been able to increase turnover from sales and service contracts for Plunet BusinessManager in comparison to the previous year.

This impressive growth in turnover has allowed continuous personnel expansion in all business areas and departments of Plunet. Existing Plunet customers in particular are seeing a major benefit from these positive developments, as they enable continued delivery and expansion of the high-quality Plunet support and customer care.

Enrico Reyes is joining the company as a project engineer to support customer-focused conceptual planning and implementation of the growing Plunet project business. The qualified business data processing expert specializes in enterprise resource planning and business intelligence systems. Max Dubiel is joining the development team in Würzburg, where as an experienced Java programmer he will help to shape the further development of Plunet BusinessManager. New members of staff are also joining the commercial departments of Plunet. Esther Gonzaléz Vidal will be joining in March 2011 as the new assistant to the management in the Berlin Plunet office. This boost to the company-s administrative structures is a further response to the major growth in Plunet-s day-to-day business.

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