Vancouver-s TransLink Uses K2 to Streamline Capital Process, Simplify Work

DENVER, CO — (Marketwired) — 08/01/13 — K2 today announced some of the breakthrough efficiencies Vancouver-based TransLink has been able to realize by using K2-s business application platform.

TransLink runs a vast operation, with more than 6,400 employees and 1.2 million passenger boardings each day. Manual processes and reliance on paper documentation were leading to delays, lack of visibility and an increased risk for lost information.

High on the list of priorities for TransLink was the overhaul of its capital processes. To keep this complex transit network in a state of good repair and for future growth in the region, the company manages a capital program exceeding $250M per year. In addition, more than 450 capital requesters, reviewers and approvers — including project implementation groups and operating subsidiaries — make for a portfolio of some 125 concurrent capital projects.

Dynamic Management Solutions, a K2 Partner, implemented the platform at TransLink and built 11 K2 capital business applications. This allows everyone involved in the process to see and access their tasks (along with relevant information) in a single, simple interface so they can make decisions and act quickly. Process time has been cut from three weeks to a week or less, the apps integrate TransLink-s line-of-business systems, and management has full visibility so they can identify and bust through bottlenecks.

Through new administrative consistencies, centralization, improved reporting and process integration, TransLink expects to save more than $330K in the first year and every year after. Further, TransLink will continue to implement new K2 apps to streamline the business even more, in areas like human resources.

“K2 workflow has already become a part of the culture [at TransLink],” said Dietmar Doerschlag, project manager and assistant manager of technology PMO, TransLink. “And we want to seize on that potential and keep rolling it out to other areas in our company.”

A video case study featuring TransLink-s K2 implementation is available at

Serving over two million residents and visitors throughout 21 municipalities, TransLink (The South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority) is one of the largest public transportation networks in North America, operating an integrated system that includes buses, SkyTrain and surface trains, SeaBus, a transit police service, emission testing services, a cycling program and more. For more information, please visit

K2 software allows people to build and run business applications, including forms, workflow, data and reports. Across enterprises and within departments, K2 customers are rapidly transforming their companies with applications that allocate work to the right people, with all the information they need to make great decisions. With K2-s visual tools, creating, launching and using the first K2 application is a snap. Reusable components ensure the next application delivers faster than the one before, and when the business needs change, it-s easy to update your K2 apps to fit. More than a million users in 80-plus countries rely on K2 to streamline operations, save money and reduce risk. For more information, please visit .

Kym Lino

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