iCADMac, a DWG-native pick of the week for the world of MAC

DE Editor’s pick of the week presents progeCAD’s latest CAD product developed specially for
the MAC platform. Not only progeCAD 2010 Professional customers can enjoy an economic
2D/3D DWG-native AutoCAD alternative on their Windows platform, but now also all MAC
users can try all the standard CAD features as well as the advanced ones such as layered
PDF, Gradient Hatch, 3D solid objects, rendering etc. in their beloved MAC environment.

The fact that iCADMac has been selected as Desktop Engineering’s pick of the week makes
the company proud as it stands out as a symbol of ever growing importance of progeCAD’s
products. It is fairly noted by DE’s editor and progeCAD can’t but catch up with this statement
that the iCADMac software is a must-see for all MAC fans.

“ progeCAD with its inexpensive CAD products is trying to do its best to make the industry
standard, the DWG drawing file format, available to all CAD professionals, now reaching
even the MAC world,” commented progeCAD director Damiano Croci.

To read the whole DE editor’s article: http://www.deskeng.com/articles/aabacr.htm

More information on iCADMac: http://www.icadmac.com/

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