MyCase Legal Practice Management Software Provider Is First to Offer True Customized Workflow Templates

SANTA BARBARA, CA — (Marketwired) — 07/16/13 — Web-based , MyCase, today announces a new addition to its comprehensive solution that allows legal professionals to customize common workflows by creating templates of tasks, timelines and events. The new feature, Workflow, is a big step toward higher efficiency and consistency across practices.

As a Web-based system aimed at servicing the multi-million dollar legal software market, MyCase helps law professionals manage their practices and communicate with their clients more effectively. The new Workflow feature provides the right tools to streamline tasks by creating templates based on custom data calculations, which can then be applied to all related cases with just one click. Workflow can also be used to set up all court calendar rules and deadlines. As Josh Camson, MyCase customer and criminal defense attorney, said, “This new feature is something that every productivity suite should have.”

“We are pleased to offer this new feature and see the vast benefits it will provide to our customers, especially by saving them significant time,” stated Matt Spiegel, founder and general manager of MyCase. “MyCase was designed to help attorneys run successful practices while wowing their customers — and our new Workflow feature makes this even easier for them. Not only is it simple to use, but it can also provide customized workflows for cases in virtually any practice area. Workflow is a big step toward incorporating the best project management features into our legal practice management software and we are so delighted to be the first leading provider in our industry to release something like this.”

MyCase is the only premier legal practice management software to deliver true workflow customization for cases in any area of practice. Workflow operates by allowing legal professionals to select an appropriate template for a case, which then populates tasks, deadlines and other necessary data. The new feature is included as part of the MyCase platform, and involves no additional costs for customers. Added Charlotte Davis, Wilkinson Law Firm, PC, “Wow! This is going to make life much more simple!”

Workflow is the latest in a string of forward-thinking updates that MyCase has released in the last year. Since 2012, the company has delivered a mobile app with a portal for legal clientele, an open API upon which third parties can develop technologies for MyCase, and an App Bar that gives one-stop access to important firm data and third party apps. MyCase continues to innovate and proactively anticipate and accommodate the changing demands in the marketplace.

MyCase, for lawyers, was built to address the number one complaint across all State Bar Associations; insufficient attorney/client communication. MyCase was founded in 2010, and was acquired in 2012 by AppFolio, the . AppFolio-s cloud based software is used by thousands of small and mid-sized businesses to improve their workflow so they save time and make more money.

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Rebecca Hasulak

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