Jetter takes in massive orders in an otherwise weak quarter

Jetter AG (ISIN: DE0006264005) has finished their third fiscal quarter on 31 December 2010. The quarter was marked by weak sales, combined with a very high order intake. Sales of the Jetter group for the first nine months were, at KEUR 23,782, 10.3 % higher than in the previous year (KEUR 21,563). EBIT was KEUR -419 for the quarter and KEUR 441 for the nine months (previous year: KEUR -852 and -2,021). Diluted and undiluted earnings per share were EUR -0.16 for the quarter and EUR 0.06 for the nine months (previous year: EUR -0.28 and EUR -0.75).
The expected upswing made itself felt in the order intake of KEUR 10.6 Mio. EUR, 73 % more than the preceding quarter and 65 % more than the same quarter the year before. The orderbook nearly doubled during the quarter, from 3.3 Mio. EUR to 6.4 Mio. EUR. This increase is due to the marked recovery of the machinery industry, as well as to major orders in the field of mobile automation.
Management therefore expects a strong fourth quarter with a positive result, as well as a sustainable recovery in the course of the next fiscal year, yet with marked quarterly oscillations.
The complete interim report will be published on 14 February 2011 and will be available at the websites of Jetter ( and Deutsche Börse (

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