Copy and Paste Counter Codes and other widgets to your Websites or Blogs for Free!

Selaris is a website that provides website widgets for bloggers and website owners. Copy and paste your free widget now.

Looking for a number of free counter, flag counter, free calendar, hit counter or any type of counter, then Selaris is the place you’re looking for!

When maintaining a website or a blog, there comes the inevitable hassle of determining the exact traffic. The traffic gives the projected volume of visitors that your blog or website had in a specific period of time. The unique and repeated visits determine your blog and website’s popularity or reliability rating. The reliability and popularity rating is determined by the major search engines such as google, bing, and yahoo. These search engines screen your content by determining the number and duration of visits coming from various areas of the globe.

Let’s face it, all types of visits are important especially when you plan to monetize on your blog or website. Also, whether the blog or website is for business or for personal use, installing a web counter gives you an edge over your competitors that offer the same kind of service or content.

Maintaining the number of visits is a key factor for a successful website or blog. You have to put in mind that installing a widget or a web counter in your website or blog gives visitors a sense of security. The free counter that Selaris offers shows the exact number of visits that occurred during a specific period of time. The type of visits include, but are not limited to, page views, and unique visits. The number of page views tells the number of visits that occurred in a specific amount of time where in the unique visits count the visits with the use of a different IP address that occurred on a specific period of time. Nevertheless, these types of visits are essential to maintain a high ranking site and what a better way to improve your website or blog in this aspect is to install a free counter – courtesy of Selaris.

Web counters come in all shapes and sizes. These web counters are classified under software programs that counts or indicates the number of visitors or hits on a specific webpage. The free counter that Selaris provides is like no other. Selaris gives you the freedom of choosing the free counter widget’s design, interface, and specification.

Selaris provides a flag counter for your website or blog. The flag counter widget that Selaris provides gives your site the freedom to track their viewers. This could prove to be useful in determining your audience and targeting them for specific content that could increase your website or blog’s ranking. This would help you time to plan in advance for improvements and improvisation in your website. The flag counter provides a lot of information that could give your website the edge over your other competitors. The flag counter also develops a sense of safety for the visitor since it determines the number of visits from a specific country. It could also act as a promotion tool due to the fact that it gives the visitor the information that your content is popular in their area.

Free Calendar
Calendars proves to be a good addition in any site. It tells the visitor what day it is in their country and it could also tell the timezone of the country that the website is hosted. The free calendar that Selaris provides gives you tons of themes to choose from. Each theme suited for a specific area, audience, and content. Selaris also provides a hit counter for you to track the number of page visits that your blog or website gathered. The hit counter that Selaris offers can be a digital image or plain text. This could prove to be useful due to the fact that having this information allows you to forget those paid services that determine your websites visits.

For more information regarding free counters, calendars and widgets, visits

Other widgets are free poll, free clock, and free email support. Please visit our site and copy and paste you widget now.

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