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Digital Learning Trailblazers in San Antonio on Wednesday: -The Time Is Now- for Schools to Move to Digital

SAN ANTONIO, TX — (Marketwired) — 06/24/13 — As thousands of educators from around the world converge in San Antonio this week, digital learning experts will showcase how digital classrooms of the future are helping boost student achievement in schools now.

The 2013 national superintendent of the year, pioneer in digital learning, and renowned author on the subject, Mark Edwards, will present an “” at the ISTE 2013 Conference & Exhibition on Wednesday, June 26. Dr. Edwards will be introduced by one of America-s top authorities on digital learning, Pearson Senior Vice President Scott Drossos, who will share how educators are blazing the path toward digital classrooms in a bold effort to help students like those in Superintendent Edwards- schools achieve real academic gains.

The Mooresville Graded School District led by Superintendent Edwards made the transition to digital classrooms by tearing down barriers, including dated budgeting models, to improve student achievement and better prepare students for college and careers. In just five years since the conversion to laptops and digital curriculum, the school district catapulted to the second-highest academic achievement in North Carolina with graduation rates skyrocketing to the third-highest in the state.

“Digital resources not only transform teaching and learning, they are essential preparation for today-s workplace,” said Mark Edwards, author of . “The time is now for schools to move to digital.”

Pearson works side by side with educators to help them build a tailored strategy based on its proven 1:1 Learning Framework that incorporates powerful personalized learning tools like interactive digital curriculum, online assessments, education apps, and digital training resources for teachers. The classroom, instruction and learning are all digitally transformed, which allows for immediate feedback on students- skills and knowledge, so individualized support from teachers and digital curriculum are precisely targeted.

“Digital learning is right now transforming the education experience for children across the nation,” said Scott Drossos, Senior Vice President of Pearson-s 1:1 Learning. “In this environment in which school leaders have to deal with tighter budgets at the same time as they prepare students to be more ready for college and the workplace, school systems are turning to the latest technology and comprehensive digital learning resources to help them shift to interactive, engaging ways for students to learn rigorous curriculum standards.”

Pearson-s 1:1 Learning experts help schools and teachers convert from traditional paper environments to proven digital resources to personalize the education experience for each individual student-s needs. Pearson works with educators to help bring together everything needed to make a successful digital conversion, at and away from school.

Pearson (NYSE: PSO) is the world-s leading learning company, providing educational materials and services, business information through the Financial Times Group, and consumer publishing through the Penguin brand. Pearson serves learners of all ages around the globe, employing 41,000 people in more than 70 countries. For more information, visit

Adriana Villarreal
Drive West Communications

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