PRISM, Data Mining Expose False Trade-Off Between Privacy and Security

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — (Marketwired) — 06/14/13 — Government and business are not interested in solving the privacy problem. In fact, they are fomenting it. The recent leak of PRISM has brought this disturbing fact to light.

Before continuing, it is best to clearly define privacy:

— the freedom from observation or disturbance by other people.

As PRISM has shown, the NSA is willing to sacrifice our privacy in order to bolster national security, exchanging one freedom for another. Importantly — the PRISM program is enabled by companies who rely heavily and/or solely on collecting, gathering, parsing and selling user data. One necessarily feeds off the other. And with the continued rise in value attached to selling and distributing this data, not only is there no real end in sight to this loop, but the potential for further abuses looms.

The question is frequently asked: Is the trade-off between security and privacy a worthwhile one? However, perhaps we should instead be asking: Is this a necessary trade-off?

As recent legislative developments such as the stalled Right to Know Act have shown, data-mining companies and — as we now recently learned — government agencies are digging in their heels and will likely not change directions operationally. They are too driven by their own definitions of security to foment political change.

The solution lies in technological innovation — building privacy into application development from the ground up. The growth of sensitive data — be it personal or corporate — is rising at an exponential rate. And companies can no longer afford to wait. They need a method to inject more privacy directly into existing infrastructure. So how does this happen?

The solution lies in building privacy-first technologies. Since inception, has maintained a constant focus on -Zero-Knowledge- Privacy — the concept whereby the server never sees plaintext data. Crypton, SpiderOak-s new open source -Zero-Knowledge- application framework, extracts the cryptography layer and utilizes the browser to push -Zero-Knowledge- Privacy through the web. Given the lightweight nature of the Crypton framework, it can be embedded into any web-based application.

“We believe a person shouldn-t have to forfeit his or her right to privacy to use cloud technologies,” said Ethan Oberman, CEO of SpiderOak, Inc. “With the advent of Crypton and its open source nature, we are providing a way for developers to build privacy directly into their applications, regardless of whether they are a start-up building a simple messaging app or a Fortune 500 building a mission critical file transfer solution.”

To learn more about SpiderOak or Crypton, please visit: or .

To explore how companies gain access to your private information, go to:

SpiderOak provides a cloud backup, sync, and sharing environment that is 100% private. Our -Zero-Knowledge- Privacy Standard ensures absolute confidentiality between you and your data, everywhere, every time and from every device. With SpiderOak, you maintain full and complete control of your data in a centralized, managed and fully protected environment. SpiderOak: we-ve got your back(up).

Ashley Breinlinger
BOCA Communications
415.738.7718 x 4

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