Votacall Introduces Hosted VoIP Cloud Layer Votacall vANA, the Next Evolution in Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

BOSTON, MA — (Marketwired) — 06/10/13 — , the leading Hosted VoIP and Cloud-Based Unified Communications Provider (UC), is pleased to announce the availability of Votacall vANA (Virtual Autonomous Network Aggregation), an ultimate redundancy and bandwidth aggregation solution. and Disaster Recovery is a hot topic across all business segments driving enterprises and their critical applications to Cloud. Votacall vANA is the next evolution in Business Continuity and is available as a Cloud Layer bundled with Votacall Hosted VoIP or as a standalone redundancy and reliability solution.

The business phone solution bundled with adds a level of on-premise redundancy to complement the already diverse and redundant Hosted VoIP Cloud infrastructure. Votacall vANA is a bandwidth aggregation and optimization application that is layered on top of a business-s existing onsite infrastructure. The solution allows for diverse data connections from multiple sources to integrate into our vANA gateway creating a larger more reliable data pipe that is optimized and monitored for performance. Not only will vANA aggregate bandwidth from any carrier to give you more network speed, but it will also provide seamless failover for an enhanced voice and data experience. By using multiple providers in the creation of your vANA network, you-re reducing the risk of an outage and addressing potential holes in a business continuity plan.

Votacall vANA can also be deployed as a standalone solution. As a bandwidth aggregation product, Votacall vANA can cost-effectively increase an organization-s bandwidth. Our product does not discriminate against data product types, therefore Votacall vANA will aggregate Cable, T1, Fiber, EOC even quality DSL circuits to create a larger more reliable data pipe. No matter the speed, technology or provider, vANA can aggregate the connections giving our end-users faster and enhanced internet experience.

Votacall vANA will address the unfixable carrier issue in that if connections experience latency, jitter, packet loss or down-time, the Quality of Service functionality keeps network traffic flowing for critical business applications. Votacall vANA will detect poor line conditions and shift critical traffic down the clearest part of the data pipe. This functionality is a dynamic engine that will determine the clearest route for specific traffic and ensure that it is dispersed accordingly. That is why we view Votacall vANA not only a complement for the Votacall Hosted VoIP solution, but also a cost-effective MPLS replacement.

With Votacall Hosted VoIP and , our clients benefit from a flexible, fully managed solution with built in Enterprise functionality at the lowest Total Cost of Ownership in the industry. Think Big, Go Votacall.

About Votacall

Votacall is a leading provider of Hosted VoIP and cloud-based Unified Communications (UC) solutions. Votacall is committed to delivering the latest best in class offerings to our end users through constant market and product research. Our approach allows our customer base to stay ahead of the technological curve at the lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) in the industry. The Votacall Cloud product suite is fully managed and through the delivery of innovative Cloud applications, we aim to enhance the end-user experience. The Votacall tag line states our vision; you must INNOVATE to effectively COMMUNICATE. We base our organization and its daily operations on those two words. The world is changing, technology is changing, organizations are changing, it is of the utmost significance that you partner with a company that respects and embraces change. Think Big, Go Votacall. For more information, visit

Contact Information:
Andy DeAngelis
(781) 693-0604

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