AARAU, SWITZERLAND — (Marketwired) — 06/04/13 — Ramon Forster, CEO for maker Picturepark®, will speak at the 2013 Photo Metadata Conference in Barcelona on 13 June. Forster will speak on how DAM software can be used to manage rights, and he-ll take part in a roundtable discussion about the future of metadata-enabled technologies.
“DAM software vendors must help protect the intellectual properties of those whose content our systems manage,” said Forster. “An important part of this is to help make usage restrictions clear to users so that rights can be respected.”
The issue of rights management and copyright has become increasingly important among professional content creators and owners in light of recent “orphan works” legislation passed in the United Kingdom. Picturepark last month sponsored a that featured IPTC Managing Director, Michael Steidl; PLUS Coalition President and CEO, Jeff Sedlik; and metadata advocate, David Riecks, all of whom will speak at the Photo Metadata Conference.
“Embedded photo metadata has been used by some photographers to make it easier to find their work via keywords or captions,” explained Riecks. “But it has always been the first line of defense for most photographers as a method of providing contact information, communicating which rights are being granted, and getting properly credited when the work is published.”
The 2013 Photo Metadata Conference will be held in conjunction with the .
Learn more about the Photo Metadata Conference at
Learn more about Picturepark DAM software at
Picturepark is the world-s most innovative . Bridging ease-of-use with enterprise functionality and reliability, only Swiss-made Picturepark offers affordable, browser-based DAM that works in the Cloud (SaaS), onsite or as a hybrid. Leveraging Microsoft .NET and SOA for global integration possibilities, Picturepark connectors are available for Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office, SharePoint, YouTube, Dropbox, Typo3, Woodwing and more. Picturepark created and sponsors that connects DAM experts with those who need help or who are looking to hire.
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Ben Smidt
+1 415 830 3119 ex. 7
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