Energy-efficient Radio Solutions in accordance with IEEE 802.15.4 TM shown at the SPS/IPC/DRIVES in Nuremberg

Exhibition Highlights at a glance:
· Software solutions in the areas of 6loWPAN, Energy Harvesting, ZigBee / Smart Energy
· New radio modules with high performance ARM 2 micro controller “deRFarm7“
· Interface-optimized development boards “deRFnode/deRFgateway“
· compact USB radio sticks “deRFusb“

Smart communication over IP – 6LoWPAN
dresden elektonik’s exhibition highlight is a ready-to-use 6loWPAN solution. This solution enables the customer to develop fast and easily its own networks. 6loWPAN offers a transport layer for different applications by integrating well known IP protocolls into sensor nodes allowing a transparent connection between wireless and existing IP networks. Each node has a world-wide unique IP address and can be monitored online. A large range range can be achieved by the use of routers. dresden elektronik offers a ready-to-use solution which save the customer hardware and software development costs.

Energy Harvesting
An resources-efficient solution shows dresden elektornik with the environment-friendly, self-sufficient power supply of radio nodes. With Energy Harvesting otherwise unused energy from the environment is converted into power for small sensor/actuator nodes. dresden elektronik presents show cases with a solar and a thermo harvester. The presented thermogenerator itself has been developed by Micropelt GmbH in Freiburg and dresden elektronik combined it with radio module based on ATMEL’s ATmega128RFA1 SOC. The result is an evaluation module that gains enough energy from the thermo generator to transmit short data packages at amazingly small temperature gradients.
ZigBee-Smart Energy
Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN´s) according to IEEE 802.15. 4 TM and based on the ZigBee protocol use already predefined application profiles. Within those profiles the data transmission is defined down to the smallest detail and thus enables manufacturer independent communication and device interoperability. ZigBee clearly stands out in this point against other protocols. dresden elektronik shows with the Smart Energy profile how energy management in home applications can be integrated.

Development boards deRFnode/deRFgateway
With deRFnode/gateway dresden elektronik offers new efficient development boards to the market, that are perfectly aligned with the existing radio modules. The new development boards deRFnode/gateway are equipped with temperature, light and acceleration sensor and offer all usual user interfaces. Power can be supplied either by USB, power pack or battery. Due to its particularly current saving characteristics the new deRFnode is optimal suited as battery-operated sensor node. Battery life can reach up to several years.

Due to its extensive equipment the deRFnode/gateway can be placed directly as product in WSN applications. The Ethernet interface of the deRFgateway makes it especially usefull as link between cable-bound and wireless applications. deRFnode/gateway are optionally available with housing.

Radio Module deRFarm7
The new radio modules deRFarm7 are based on a high performance ARM7 micro controller. They are optimally tailored for the use as router, coordinator or gateway. Moreover, with the deRFarm7 modules support for the Sub-GHz frequency range is added to dresden elektroniks radio module range. The customer can now easily cover both 868/915 MHz and 2.4 GHz ISM frequencies.

The complete package consists of deRFnode/gateway with radio module and can immediately be used as development tool. The enclosed CD contains all the necessary driver software and and extensive collection of source code examples enabling the customers quick start with the new modules.

USB Radio Sticks deRFusb
The new USB radio sticks of dresden elektronik are further developments of the existing deRFusb familyand are now based on micro controlers with CortexM3 architecture. As a special feature the sticks appear as a composite device on USB including a RF-Front-End as well as a 1GB memory stick. Thus all necessary driver data, documentation and applications can be stored on the stick eliminating the software download via internet or the costs of a driver CD.

All new products are based on standard IEEE 802.15.4 and are suited for the 2.4 GHz and 868/915 MHz ISM bands as well as for the ZigBee ®, 6LoWPAN or proprietary ISM protocols but can also be used for RF4CE and WirelessHART TM applications.

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