IMS Research Confirms Sustained POWERLINK Growth

POWERLINK is growing in significance. Its share of the overall industrial Ether-net market once again increased over the last year. POWERLINK has once more underscored its outstanding position as the leading industrial Ethernet system for hard real-time applications. With a 9% share among all variants of Industrial Ethernet communication, POWERLINK currently ranks fourth, trailing only Profinet, Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP. This has been confirmed in a study recently published by IMS Research entitled “The World Market for Indus-trial Ethernet & Fieldbus Technologies – 2013 Edition”.
“The IMS study shows continuous and significant growth in market share for POWERLINK,” says Stefan Schönegger, managing director of the Ethernet POWERLINK Standardization Group. “I am pleased to find that POWERLINK is enjoying a sustainable trend towards growth.”
About EPSG
The Ethernet POWERLINK Standardization Group (EPSG) is an independent organization founded in 2003 by leading companies from the fields of motion control and automation technology. Its aims are the standardization and further development of the POWERLINK protocol first introduced by B&R in 2001. This high-performance real-time communication system is an advanced protocol based on the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard designed to ensure real-time data transfer in the microsecond range. The EPSG cooperates with leading standardization organizations such as CAN in Automation (CiA) and the IEC. Anton Meindl, business manager of Controls at B&R, is the organization-s CEO.

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