Experts in logistics met at the “3rd European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics” in Bremen, Germany

On the 4th and 5th of November, 2010, specialists in the field of logistics from industry and research presented new ideas and solutions currently developed within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission.
The “European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics” is a place where professionals from different European Research Projects in the area of logis-tics come together and exchange ideas. Initiated by the European Commission in 2008, this conference is a yearly event held at different locations. The “3rd European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics” (ECITL-10) was hosted in Bre-men (Germany) under the aegis of the Senator for Economy and Ports in Bremen, Mr. Martin Günthner.
One of the main topics of the ECITL-10 were intelligent IT-systems for “Green Logistics” concepts. Many presenta-tions and discussions re-volved around solutions for such IT-systems which should provide vital information of the cargo to the logistic pro-vider dependably. The partic-ipants came from industry, governmental institutions, and research centers which shows the great interest in this conference and the importance of logistics as backbone for the economy.
Besides presentations of invited speakers, interactive workshops presenting different re-search projects were available to the participants. These opened the possibility of actively exchanging ideas and discussing different solution approaches.
The organization of the conference was supported by the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Dornbirn, Austria together with the ISL Institute of Shipping Economics and Logis-tics (local host) and six European Research projects: Logistics for LIFE, e-FREIGHT, EURIDICE, INTEGRITY, SMART-CM and SMARTFREIGHT. The projects were responsible for the organiza-tion of the interactive sessions.
The success of the conference led to the decision to have the “4th European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics” (13th-14th, October, 2011) in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) Universitaetsallee 11-13, 28359 Bremen, Germany Contact: Leif

The ISL – Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics was founded in Bremen in 1954. By combining tradition with modern science, we have since positioned ourselves as one of Europe-s leading institutes in the area of maritime research, consulting and knowledge transfer.
Today, around 60 employees at our offices in Bremen and Bremerhaven handle projects from all over the world in interdisciplinary teams. Whether in China and South-East Asia, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Russia or the Ukraine, whether logistics systems, maritime economics and transport or information logistics are concerned – we ensure that innovative ideas are developed into solutions with practical applicability on behalf of our project partners from the public and private sector, both on a national and international level.

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