e2v AViiVA-II EM new line scan cameras with very high sensitivity for machine vision and industrial image proceessing

e2v introduces two new latest generation CCD sensors for the AViiVA 2 line scan camera range, with 512 pixel and 1024 pixel resolution. With these new sensors, e2v-s AViiVA camera family now extends from 512 pixels up to 4096 pixels, with Camera Link and GigE Vision interfaces.
These new sensors, in addition to the 4k and 2k pixel sensors introduced in 2009, make AViiVA 2 the most complete line scan camera family on the market, and enable Machine Vision integrators to easily attain their needs from the AVIIVA camera family.
The AViiVA 2 family continues e2v-s tradition of bringing the most versatile and advanced line scan camera solutions to the market. These cameras feature an unmatched 68 dB dynamic range, high responsivity of 164 DN/(nJ/cm2) at minimum gain, competing directly with dual line sensors, and an extremely low level of Pixel Response Non Uniformity (PRNU) that does not exceed 3%. The sensors can be operated through a Camera Link interface at a pixel rate of 80MHz using 2 taps or at a pixel rate of 160MHz using 4 taps. A GigE Vision interface is also available with advanced GPIO and features the fastest line rates on the market at a given number of pixels per line.
e2v is committed to pioneering highly innovative technologies that meet the needs of the Machine-Vision community. The new sensors are opening new perspectives in the most demanding applications. For instance, that is the first time that a GigE Vision line scan camera with a 1k pixel sensor will be able to deliver more than 100 thousand lines per second.
Link e2v AViiVA II line scan cameras:
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D-82140 Olching
Tel 0 81 42 / 4 48 41-0
Fax 0 81 42 / 4 48 41-90
E-Mail: info@rauscher.de

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