Lilee Systems- Kevin Nichter Named a Progressive Railroading -Rising Star-

SANTA CLARA, CA — (Marketwired) — 05/15/13 — , the leading provider of advanced communication systems designed exclusively for rail and rail transit industries, announced today that Director of Product Line Management Kevin Nichter has been named by Progressive Railroading Magazine as one of 20 Rising Stars of North America-s railroad industry in 2013.

The magazine defines a “Rising Star” as someone under the age of 40 who has made, or is making, a positive impact and viewed by peers, colleagues, supervisors, clients or associates as an up-and-coming leader in the rail industry. Finalists were chosen based on their contributions to railroading, career achievements, education and training, demonstrated leadership, professional association activity and/or community involvement.

Nichter joined Lilee Systems in 2011 and quickly led the charge to develop the . The WMS-2000 is the first Wayside Message Server to be certified by Red Hat, and is now being deployed by several freight and transit customers. Since the initial introduction of the WMS-2000, he has grown Lilee Systems- offerings to include a complete family of products and services for the Interoperable Train Control Messaging System, enabling the Lilee Systems to provide a for I-ETMS deployments. Nichter also provides technical leadership for Lilee Systems- offerings for ACSES and I-ETMS PTC applications, and is a vital participant in the company-s overall product strategy and roadmap. He is currently leading Lilee Systems- initiative to introduce a range of products and services designed to support the use of the ITC Messaging Systems for business purposes in the mobile and wayside environments. Kevin has two patents pending related to seamless connectivity for CBTC applications and communications-based wayside activation.

“This recognition by Progressive Railroading Magazine is an incredible honor,” said Nichter. “It reaffirms my commitment to building innovative, interoperable connectivity solutions that support the rail industry, addressing the challenges of achieving positive train control, and ultimately making rail transportation safer and more efficient.”

The 20 Rising Stars will be profiled in Progressive Railroading-s September issue. To learn more, visit .

: Progressive Railroading @rail_pro_mag names @LileeSystems director of product line management Kevin Nichter railroad industry Rising Star

Founded by leaders in the wireless industry and headquartered in California-s Silicon Valley, Lilee Systems is the leading vendor of wired and wireless IP-networked communications products and solutions focused exclusively on the railroad and rail transit industry. Team members have extensive backgrounds in IP routing and switching, standardized LMR communications, and have been voting members of the IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi, 802.15 WPAN, and 802.16 WiMAX working groups for many years. The company-s extensive experience in Software-Defined Radio (SDR) technology makes Lilee unique in the industry. By leveraging its core competencies in radio frequency (RF) systems and networking, Lilee Systems has developed the TransAir family, including the PTC-3000 series 220 MHz Software-Defined Radio Transceiver, the WMS-2000 Wayside Messaging Server, the LMC-5000 series Mobility Controller, and Communications Manager units to offer a complete end-to-end interoperable IP-based communications network. For more information, please visit or .

Lilee Systems, TransAir and the Lilee Systems logo are trademarks of Lilee Systems. All other brands, products, or service names are or may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

Denise Nelson
The Ventana Group
(925) 837-6277

Tami Kurth
Lilee Systems
(408) 212-5524

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