30 Years of ABAS – Portrait: Margit Döhler

Passion for customer support
Just like all other founders, the computer scientist implemented individual programming at the beginning of the 1980s and was also involved in customer support from the very beginning. She then later realized numerous projects with abas Business Software, in some years she even supported up to 25 customers at the same time. “I used to regularly work on Saturdays,” Döhler remembers. One can only do so if one loves and appreciates the job.

One hundred percent identification with the job
“I am glad that I come across my work everywhere. Our customers are from many different industries. It is a great feeling to drive on the highway and to see, for example, a motorhome by Dethleffs. I can then tell myself: all parts attached, looks like scheduling is working,” says Döhler who is also a very enthusiastic motorcycle and scooter driver and likes to indulge in her hobby as part of the abas trio together with Werner Strub and Peter Forscht and also likes to go paragliding with them.

Dowry invested perfectly
Margit Döhler became one of 6 associates when the ABAS GmbH and System III merged in 1989. This was made possible financially by her dowry insurance, which her parents had taken out for her early on. This should be one of the best paid off dowries in Karlsruhe. When looking at her working hours she was certainly almost married to the company for some years.

Reserved and effective
Margit Döhler rarely makes a public appearance and, thus, it can happen that some abas partners who do not attend the Partner Day, do not even know her. However, people who have worked with her will never forget her. Alan Salton, President of ABAS USA and ABAS Business Solutions Canada, literally rolls out the red carpet if she visits the US to realize their innovative ideas. “Margit is really important. For us, she was our godmother, she really was. I know she is reserved, but if you can get under that shyness she is very open, she is very warm. She is very generous in her time, and in her spirit. She has been very supportive from a business perspective, so if we get into a discussion about how things should be done, then we can always count on Margit to listen, and to consider openly. I don-t think we could possibly been successful in the Unites States without Margit. She understands how to get the system to do what the customer wants it to do. That is what she does better than anybody.” Pierre Baudoin, General Director of the Spanish partner ABAS Business Solutions Ibérica confirms this statement with the following words, “The problem will be solved if Margit is involved.”

Controlling – her future task
In the past years, the responsible business woman has been gradually pulling out of the project business and thus ensures that her knowledge of eighteen years of software consulting and development is passed on in the company at an early stage. She will still be acting as an advisor in the background. Her main task in the years to come will be increasingly in controlling of the internationally successful growing software provider from Karlsruhe.

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