Consumers Desire More Automated Automobiles, According to Cisco Study

SAN JOSE, CA — (Marketwired) — 05/14/13 — Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) today announced results of the Cisco Customer Experience Report focused on the automobile buying and driving experience. Study surveyed more than 1,500 consumers across 10 countries. The global report examined consumer preferences of technology used when buying and driving an automobile. Consumers also identified key influencers preference for car dealers/manufacturers to provide a more personal driving experience, and their trust in future automotive innovation.

Consumers demonstrated in the survey how information and technology are crucial throughout the car experience. From the car purchasing experiences to service maintenance, consumers are using more advanced communication technologies (such as mobile, text, telephone, websites, embedded communications devices) to engage with manufacturers and car dealerships. Results show roughly half (47%) of global consumers value the brand-s reputation for adopting technology when purchasing a vehicle.

Globally, consumers are eager to see more transportation changes in customization, safety, time, and cost savings. Brazil, China and India show significantly more willingness to provide information on driving habits, in exchange for cost and time efficiencies, and may have more trust in driverless automobiles.

Most consumers begin their car purchasing process online: 83% of global consumers prefer to research online for information on a car, versus only 17% of consumers that prefer to call or go to dealership.

Trust in Manufacturer Website: 61% use manufacturing websites when researching to purchase a car. This is good news for the digital world as 78% of consumers trust their online research.

Impact of gas prices on customer experience: 52% of consumers want to track gas prices from a vehicle. Gas-price tracking was the highest priority, compared to 46% of consumers wanting to track insurance prices, 35% wanting to track roadside assistance availability, and 32% wanted to track recall information

Tracking car maintenance costs: Consumer demand for tracking vehicle operating costs was shown with 62% of consumers stating they would purchase a device designed to keep them on track with their monthly budget for gas and auto maintenance.

Lower Insurance/Maintenance: 74% would allow their driving habits to be monitored in order to save on insurance or service maintenance or costs.

More Personal Security: 60% would provide biometric information such as fingerprints and DNA samples in return for personalized security or car security.

Customized Car: 65% would share personal information such as height/weight, driving habits, entertainment preferences if this allowed a more customized vehicle and driving experience.

Driverless automobiles: More than half of global consumers (57%) stated they would be likely to ride in a car controlled entirely by technology that does not require a human driver. The most trusting consumers in this regard were in Brazil with 96%, India with 86%, and China with 70%.

Kids on board: Consumer trust dropped to 46% when asked if they would let their kids ride in driverless automobiles. Consumers least likely in this regard were in Japan, France, and Germany, where only 6% would allow their kids ride in a driverless automobile.

“Most consumers expect to be connected to the internet wherever they are. Since they may spend much of their time in their car, it stands to reason they want their car to be more connected. This consumer survey confirms that it is time to take the internet to the road and into our cars.”

“The survey shows consumers- comfort with technology and need for immediate information whether they are researching, buying, driving or servicing their vehicle. While consumers in diverse parts of the world may expect very different experiences, their technology demand is more positive than many manufacturers imagine. Many consumers are just waiting for manufacturers to respond with better car buying, driving and service experiences augmented by technology.”

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