Celtra-s AdCreator Platform Now Supports All Five IAB Mobile Rising Stars Formats

CAMBRIDGE, MA — (Marketwired) — 05/09/13 — , the industry leader for rich media mobile ad serving and analytics, today released all five of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Mobile Rising Stars into its award-winning AdCreator 3 platform. Celtra has also certified these formats across a wide range of publishers and ad networks.

Celtra tailored its Rising Stars offering to provide as robust an experience possible within the IAB guidelines. Focusing on the Slider and Pull as flagship formats, Celtra added a breadth of richness to these two formats that make them unique to the AdCreator 3 platform.

“Advertisers and publishers now have the ability to take advantage of these new Rising Stars ad formats from our AdCreator platform,” said Mihael Mikek, Co-funder and CEO at Celtra. “Celtra-s Rising Stars deliver highly engaging ads that leave users with a positive brand experience.”

Celtra-s Mobile Rising Stars are comprised of the following formats:

– Vertically pulls a full screen ad experience over the publisher content

– Slide banner to show or close ad

– Dynamically locks to designated area

Filmstrip – Multi-panel, scrollable vertical or horizontal ad

– Full screen experience that accommodates both portrait and landscape orientation

“The Mobile Rising Stars are designed to provide brand marketers with engaging mobile canvasses as scale,” says Peter Minnium, head of Brand Initiatives at IAB. “Given the complexity of the mobile ecosystem, naming standards is just half the challenge — enabling these across mobile devices and publishers is an equally important task. Celtra-s support of these units in its platform will greatly ease that challenge for its broad list of clients.”

Celtra-s Rising Stars ad formats support a full set of AdCreator features, such as video, animation, location based features, gaming features and social media features. Complete media and engagement analytics is available for all new formats.

To learn more about Celtra-s support of the IAB Mobile Rising Stars formats, please watch this or visit the . For more information about the IAB Mobile Rising Stars, please visit .

Celtra Inc. is the global leader for rich media mobile ad serving and analytics. Celtra-s AdCreator 3 platform, which is used by world-s leading agencies, publishers and networks in more than 18 countries, is the only complete, SDK and ad server agnostic platform for rich media mobile advertising. Celtra-s unparalleled HTML5 ad products are designed to provide the best user experience, performance and reliability on distinctive mobile platforms with one single ad unit. For more information, visit Celtra at or @CeltraMobile on Twitter.

Celtra is headquartered in Cambridge (MA), with offices in New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, London (UK), and Ljubljana (SI).

Dan Brennan
SHIFT Communications
+1 (617) 779-1814

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