First VSM User Group Meeting at DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation)

On the initiative of Daniel Van Kranendonk and Peter Thomsen of Danmon, L-S-B Sales Partners in Scandinavia, VSM users and representatives of L-S-B Broadcast Technologies GmbH met for an exchange of specialist information at DR Byen in Copenhagen.

For two informative days, users discussed their experiences and the possibilities opened up by the VSM (Virtual Studio Manager) in everyday practice. On the second day of the meeting, L-S-B Broadcast Technologies GmbH took advantage of this opportunity for an exchange of ideas and opinions between users and developers of the VSM broadcast control tool.

The aim of the meeting, which is to be a regular occurrence, is to reinforce the exchange of information between users. For
L-S-B, the focus is on making direct contact with product users, who can generate important impulses for development and support. Thus, for L-S-B, the User Group Meeting is a good opportunity to obtain direct feedback from VSM users and the company was very pleased to accept the invitation.

Summarising the meeting, Michael Jones of L-S-B said, “The feedback and suggestions from product users are very important aspects of the success of VSM to date. And, for the future development of the tool, information from customers is of vital significance. Hence, we are delighted about this initiative taken by our Scandinavian customers and will be happy to support future meetings.”

Over recent years, L-S-B Broadcast Technologies GmbH has implemented several important projects in Scandinavia, for which VSM was used as controller software. One of the first projects was the modernisation of DR Byen in Copenhagen where the VSM system is now in use for all production and broadcasting operations.

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