Joomla! 3.1 Released; Open Source Content Management System (CMS) Adds Tags to Its Core

NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 04/24/13 — , one of the world-s most popular open source content management systems (CMS) used for everything from websites to blogs to Intranets, today announced the immediate availability of Joomla 3.1. The biggest feature of Joomla 3.1 is Tags, a built-in tagging system that allows dynamic tagging across content-types. Tags hasn-t been created for articles only, but rather Joomla integrated tagging into other areas of its core that made sense (e.g. contacts, feeds, etc). For example, Tags allow end-users to create lists, blogs, or other layouts that combine articles with other content types any way they like. These tags can be dynamically created from the content, without having to navigate to the Tags component, thus bringing both power and simplicity.

“With Joomla 3.1, the most important new feature is definitely the support of tags,” said Paul Orwig, president of Open Source Matters, a non-profit created to provide organization, legal and financial support to the Joomla project. “Tags have previously been available through third party extensions, but for 3.1 we are adding them to the core. This will make it easier for third party extensions to integrate with them. Another underlying benefit is that the way the code has been written to support tags will lay the foundation for future enhancements for how Joomla content can be displayed with much more flexibility.”

Along with the new Tags feature, the Joomla 3.X series offers the following major features:

Mobile-ready. Joomla is the first and only major CMS that is fully responsive. It has a responsive site template, responsive admin UI, responsive core output, and it provides developers tools to make their extensions responsive

Customizable access control

User friendly interface

Streamlined 30 second install

One-click upgrades with backward compatibility, so that a site continues working seamlessly

Built-in multilingual capabilities. Again, the first and only major CMS that has such a feature

For developers, the Joomla User Interface (JUI) library gives a standardized backend & frontend interface

Joomla 3.1 is truly a collaborative community-driven software project developed with the feedback gathered from more than 2.7 million Joomla forum posts, nearly 605,000 Joomla forum members and data from more than 6,100 Joomla extensions. To download Joomla 3.1, go to .

Joomla is one of the world-s most popular software packages used to build, organize, manage and publish content for websites, blogs, Intranets, and mobile applications. With of the web running on Joomla, the free open source Content Management System (CMS) powers the web presence of hundreds of thousands of small businesses, governments, non-profits and large organizations worldwide like Citibank, eBay, General Electric, Harvard University, Ikea, McDonald-s and Sony. The award-winning CMS is led by an international community of more than a half million active contributors, helping the most inexperienced user to seasoned web developer make their digital visions a reality. Joomla-s power and extensibility has resulted in its software being downloaded more than 40 million times.

Editorial Contact:
Michael Young
VOXUS PR for Joomla

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